v 1.2

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"It's not funny." Louis grumbles as his roommate, and coworker laughs. The omega blushes as he thinks about last, and how he woke up cuddled with Harry. When he realized what happened, he quickly tossed his coat on and left.

He came home to find Niall cooking their breakfast, and here he is sitting with a plate of eggs and bacon with buttered toast watching his fellow omega laugh in his face.

"I've never done that before!" Louis chomps down on his crisp piece of pork, and huffs. "He'll want a refund, and you know refunds are gossip in our industry."

"Everyone's had one bad night with a customer, relax!" Niall waves a dismissive hand. "Besides, it seems like he's a gentleman judging by the way you woke up. Maybe he'll understand, and let it go."

"I doubt it." The omega sighs, and lets the comfort of Niall's home cooking sooth him. Though it's a simple breakfast, Niall never failed to make it good and warm. "I also doubt Liam's ability to lock down an omega with kitchen skills like yours. What's the bastard waiting for?"

"Well, you know he's been seeing another alpha that he's known since childhood. Apparently, the guy doesn't want to open their relationship to an omega yet." Niall pouts slightly, and stabs his eggs with a fork. "It fucking sucks."

"Alright, well let's not take it out on the food." Louis mumbles. "I told you that you should've mated someone with me."

Like Liam and his alpha-companion, the two omegas have been friends since childhood. They've gone to school together, moved in together, and have the same job and hours. Both of their families believed they would've paired with an alpha together, too, and they have shared lovers before. However, much to both of their surprise, Louis is extremely possessive of his alphas and Niall is an knot seeker in the bedroom to the point that he cock blocks other omegas.

Niall gives Louis an unimpressed look. "Yeah, and end up hating each other. It'd be a battle to the death if we mated together."

"That's true." Louis finishes his food. "You don't have a choice, then. If you really want Liam, then meet the other guy."

"How? He won't even give me the time of day over the phone, let alone in person." Niall grumbles, and Louis stands to massage his friend's shoulders. "I wish I could go MIA."

"Why not?" Louis eyes Niall's bacon. "Ghost them for a few days, a week max, and see what happens. Maybe it'll be enough to make Liam grow some balls."

Niall puts his fork down after he finishes his eggs, and nibbles on his toast. "He won't do anything."

"If he won't fight for you, then what are you fighting for?" Louis snatches the crispier piece of bacon, and jumps away from Niall. The omega blinks at Louis, completely flabbergasted, but Louis just smiles and eats the food. "Get dressed, we need to go shopping."

They leave their small apartment complex, taking the train to the tourist part of the city where name brand companies are located, and they link arms with their wallets and phones clutched in front of them. The platform is buzzing with people who are shoving, and ignoring each other as they rush to get to work or wherever they need to be. People in suits talk quietly on the phone, those in retail attire are scrolling through social media or constantly checking the time, sketchy people with hoods and hats are scanning the crowds for their next victim, and everyone is huddled together in hopes of making it through the day without a problem.

They get off when the train stops at their station, and rush to the sidewalk where the sounds of horns, yelling, and old engines greet them. The two omegas seamlessly, and flawlessly blend into the crowd as they walk with purpose. Those on the street preaching, seducing, and shouting for a ride are all ignored as they cross multiple cross walks and glide through the bodies stoping and departing into buildings.

"Ouch!" Niall winces when a boney shoulder bumps him back, and he feels a calloused hand try to snag his phone. He grips it, and yanks it back to his chest. "Fuck off!"

The woman doesn't let go, and Louis tries to shove her back as the crowds make their way around them. Some stop to watch, even taking pictures, but no one steps in to help the two omegas.

"Let go!" Louis shouts, and clenches his fist to throw a punch. His hand is grabbed by a larger one, and the woman stops as she looks over the omega. The stubbornness fades from her face, and it's replaced with fear as her eyes widen. She quickly lets go of Niall's phone, and dashes away.

Niall looks at the stranger behind Louis, and instantly blushes— a sign that whoever he's looking at is extremely attractive, and an alpha. Louis slowly lifts his head, and looks back to find a find familiar eyes already watching him.

"Well, would you look at that?" Harry mumbles, and wraps an arm around Louis before the omega can think to move. "My Cinderella made his way back to me."

Louis is too stunned to speak as Harry smirks at him, and he feels the familiar blooming in his stomach that happened last night before he fell asleep.

"Uh," Niall awkwardly waves a hand between their faces, "who the hell are you? Let him go, mate, he throws a mean rightie."

Harry hums, and forces Louis' hand open so he can intertwine their fingers. "Is that so?"

He kisses the omega's knuckles and fingers as he unwraps himself from Louis. Niall quickly yanks Louis away from Harry completely, and relinks their arms.

"Let's go, Lou." Niall whispers to his still quiet friend, and drags him away from the alpha who's flirtatiously and confidently waving bye to them. The crowd swallows him up, and Louis eventually loses sight as more distance is created between them. Niall barges into a random store down the street, and drags him to the back where the sweaters hang.

"Who was that?" Niall gently slaps his face, and Louis blinks himself back to reality. The omega sticks his hands in the back pockets of his jeans, and stops when he feels a thick index card in one. He pulls it out, and Niall looks at it with him.

Harry Styles
CEO & Founder of Styles&Co.
Email: hstyles@stylescompany.com
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx

"Damn, he snuck that in your pocket? He's good with his fingers." Niall mumbles with an impressed tone.

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