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Wow! Hogwarts was truly magical.
The lake mirrored the castle with all its light.
The Forrest encompassed the grounds in a beautiful Viridian hue.
I was enchanted.

The closer I got to the castle the more surreal it felt, I was really attending a school for magic.
Hermione filled me in on the whole sorting process, she said it was nerve wrecking at first, but after the feast began I'd feel at home no matter the outcome.
The sorting hat was never wrong.

I was allowed to sit next to Hermoine and Ron on the Gryffindor table, whilst the first years were being sorted. I had done my fair share of research on each of the houses, and I wasn't sure which house I'd get into.
Each house represented a different side to me, even Slytherin.
I did enjoy being with my new friends though, everyone in Gryffindor seemed so warm and cheerful. They treated me like I had been in school with them from the beginning.
I did realise Ron had gone quiet, I thought maybe he might have just been tired or hungry.

"So, what house do you think you'll get into?" Harry asked me.
Noticing  me looking around in awe as each first year was welcomed to their new house.
"Gryffindor obviously, she fits right in!" Hermione replied confidently.
I giggle nervously, scratching my neck.
"I hope we've made you feel welcome" Hermione adds acknowledging my discomfort.
"Yes, you've been amazing. All of you have, truly! I'm happy to have started my journey here at Hogwarts with you. I'm just scared, I don't want to let anybody down. And.. and what if I don't fit in with any other house? What if I'm sorted into the wrong house? What if-" I sigh lost for words, snd I hear Ron sigh too.
"I'm feeling comfortable in my own skin for the first time, I don't want this feeling to end" I add , looking down at the polished mahogany table.
"Hyacinth, no matter what house you're sorted into, we can still be friends!" Harry reassures me.
"Totally, houses are important sure.. but they don't define who you are allowed to be friends with. They were created to draw out our strengths, not divide us" Hermione smiles.
I smile back, and instinctively look to Ron for more reassurance- but he looked down.
This entire time he's been silent, maybe he disagrees ?
Perhaps he would prefer it if I were sorted into another house.
"Bloody hell how can I put this, I think you're going to be great no matter what house you belong to" Ron smiles finally returning my eye contact and then, he takes my hand gently underneath the table and adds privately  "You're special to me, I know I just met you I can't wrap my head around it myself. I don't care if you turn out to be a Slytherin.. Nothing changes". He whispers, but his eyes tell me different.
I saw how he was with Draco, is that how he'll be with me if I'm not in Gryffindor.

"Hyacinth Hydrangea Hardwell" I hear my name being called up to the front.
It's finally my turn, the last time I had all those eyes on me I was hovering above the London Eye.
As I walk I can hear the other pupils chatter, I ignore them all.  Instead I replay in my head what Ron said to me, I feel somewhat  reassured.
I get up on the stage at the front, the man from the hearing is there.
"Lovely to see you again Miss Hardwell" he smiles warmly.
"Likewise Professor Dumbledore" I reply, I really am happy to see him. Something about him is comforting.
"Please take a seat" he says pointing to a stool.
I sit down, and he brings the dusty old sorting hat over and puts it over my head.
"Ahhhh, now what do we have here" I hear a voice say in my head. It was the hat.
"Not a first year, yet not a seasoned witch" the hat adds.
"Far from seasoned" I think in my head.
"Not quite, definitely talented, and gifted... but.. inexperienced, yes very inexperienced" the hat replies.
I gasp shocked that it can hear my thoughts.
"Let me see, we have bravery -Gryffindor, we have intellect Ravenclaw, we have kindness- Hufflepuff.. hmm confusing. All traits equally dominant, interesting. Also very driven, cunning If you want something... nothing can stop you- Slytherin" the hat says, intrigued but bewildered.
"Well, what do you think?" It asks me
"Me?" I think
"Yes, you" it replies
"Isn't that your decision to make?" I ask
"Usually yes, but what is YOUR opinion?" The hat insists.
"I don't have one, I was hoping you would just know" I think.
"I'm beginning to form an idea, but I want to hear what YOU think... well I can already hear what you think.. but, I want to know what you'd think if I wasn't here thinking with you" the hat replied.
I was getting a headache.
"I think I can see myself in all the houses, there's different sides to me. I'm multifaceted. I could belong to all of them at once and none at all" I think, my tone annoyed, I just wanted this to be over with.
I quickly regret my outburst.
"Right I see, exactly what I was thinking, well I have never done this. But I have never been wrong! You belong to them all and so you cannot belong to any of them just yet we must see how you flourish... but for now, you my dear are UNSORTABLE" the hat says convinced.
"Unsortable?" I ask, out loud without realising.
"UNSORTABLE" I hear the sorting hat repeat out loud to the entire hall. Instantly I feel my face heat up.

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