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January 30

"Issabella, you don't have to worry anymore. I took care of him for you. I hope you get to meet him at the other side" The smile on my face mirrored the one that was on the picture of her placed beside her grave.

Flashback to December 27

This morning after I cried my eyes out, i had called Josh and informed him I would be coming over later in the day. He hadn't asked why but just accepted even though I hadn't talked to him for days now. He told me to just come inside whenever I arrived as the housekeeper had already been fired and he wouldn't have the energy to come open the door.

I initially planned to drug both him and Tatiana before I began but to my greatest surprise the two fools delivered themselves to me on a golden platter.

When I walked in, the house was weirdly quiet. I called out to them but no one answered. I took my hand gloves out of my bag. Placing my bag on a couch i put on the gloves before walking up the stairs. The first two doors I opened were empty but the last door wasn't.

I found Josh and Tatiana naked and unconscious in bed. Shaking my head,, i walked into the room and observed the surrounding. It was obvious these two had injected themselves either before or having sex. There was a syringe with a clear liquid lying in the floor along with several bottles. Josh on the other hand was still wearing a condom with signs of his ejaculated inside of it.

"Fools" I muttered

I poked them both with my glove covered fingers checking to see if they would wake up.

My initial plan was to drug them both and when they were asleep I would inject them with the drugs I had found in the drawer the other day. Funny how these two just made everything easier.

Bending down inspected the bottle on the ground. There were 5 bottles with unknown substances on the ground. Even if i didn't know what the unknown substance was, i knew it was drugs. One bottle was already empty so I picked up three other bottles lying on the ground along with a syringe. One bottle had half of its contents withdrawn already while the other 2 remained full.

I was quick withdrawing more of the substance into the syringe before I injected Josh with it. I injected him countless times, finishing up the contents of the one that was already half way and one full bottle.

When I was done with Josh I moved towards Tatiana and injected her as well almost finishing the last battle. It was her own luck if she managed to survive.

Josh on the other hand had no way of surving. If it took one and a half bottle to make them both this unconscious, then the amount I added was enough to do the dirty job.

Going back to where Josh was lying I grabbed his hand and wrapped his palm around the syringe before letting it drop. I repeated the same with all the bottles making sure they dropped from his palm unto the floor. Good thing the bottles were plastic bottles so I had no fear of them breaking.

Stepping away I looked at my masterpiece. I captured the view with my eyes. It was a view I would never forget.

End of flashback

"The funniest part of it all was when the family of three had thanked me for saving Tatiana's sorry life." I laughed remaining the look of gratitude on their faces.

When Lizzy returned from her Christmas vacation, I had informed her of Josh's unfortunate demise. I made sure to tell her I couldn't finish what i was planning to do with him before he overdosed. This was to dispel all thoughts of me having something to do with happened.

Even if part of Lizzy hated Tatiana, she had accompanied me to the hospital that day. We expressed our sympathy for their loss and after that family thanked me for at least saving Tatiana.

So foolish.

"I'll take care of Philip for you okay"

With one last look, I walked away.

I don't know if anyone else will find out about what I have done some day. It doesn't scare me though.

Philip, although he suspects me, hasn't treated me any differently. I blame myself for informing him that Tatiana's step brother had been the man Adam saw me with. I know he connected the dots because of the Josh's death day and the words I said to him that day. Even when he asked me if Adam had been the one responsible for Bella's death, I refused to give him answer.

I do not regret what I've done even if it all ends up biting me in the future.

Josh deserved what he got.

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