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December 28

I walked into the silent house after opening the door. The housekeeper was absent and the door was wide open just like last night.

"Josh" I yelled


"Are you guys awake?"

Hearing no reply i dropped my bag on a nearby couch and walked towards the stairs. I wasn't really expecting an answer, i was just calling out to check and also just in case. The sound of my heels meeting the tiles was so loud it could wake up the dead.

I opened door of the room I had entered last night and just like I expected they were still lying on the bed in the same position. I allowed myself soak pleasure in victory of my plan before I yelled.

I hurried downstairs and outside before rushing back. I rushed to my my bag and searched for my phone. When I found it I called 911.

"Hello, this is 911 how can I help you?"

"Ma'am my friends are unconscious and they're not waking up."

In less than 5minutes there was a police car and an ambulance parked right outside. I had been sitting outside waiting for the police as I cried my eyes out.

When the police approached me to ask for my statement, I stumbled through my words so they decided to give me space to calm down before they returned.

"I got here about 8 or 10 minutes ago and no matter how much I yelled their names they didn't answer so I had to go upstairs to check on them" I let a hiccup slip out of my mouth.

"Ma'am were you close to the couple "

"Couple?" I shook my head at the officer's mistake "They're not a couple they're step siblings"

The eyes of the two officers went wide. Well i wasn't surprised, the two naked people upstairs clearly looked like a couple.

"Ok then so we're you close to the siblings?"

"I knew Tatiana since we were in uni but I only met Josh last month."

"When last did you see them before today?"

"I was here yesterday evening"

"May I know what for?"

"Josh and I were business partners so I had come here to finalize our business but when I went in i found the both of them having....." I let out a cough hoping the officers would understand

"If I may ask how did you get into the house?"

"The door wasn't locked. When I twisted the hand of the door it just swung open. After yesterday I didn't want to keep doing business with him cause I found him filthy so I came this morning in order to end things but then....."

Josh was dead.

He died from an overdose of drugs.

Tatiana was alive but her life was hanging on a thread. The report showed she hadn't taken as much drugs as Josh had taken.

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