Therapy (RQ)

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*A bit of context, people on discord that I'm doing an art collab with introduced me to a ship, and being the crazy shipper I am I wanted to know what it was, Elemental X Therapist Green Steve that they named William. They gave a lot of scenarios for this ship and I love it, and then I thought 'I want to make this a short story' which will probably turn into a story that has 2-4 parts but idk. Headcannon is from Green_blade1201 on discord. Enjoy!*

Sabre walked through the dense forest with Time and Elemental behind him, Elemental sighed, "Where are we even going?" He asked Sabre in frustration, "I'm taking you to a friend of mine, his name is William and he's a Green Steve, he's also my therapist," Sabre explains, "I don't need therapy!" Elemental screams while his lava hand starts to glow, Sabre and Time look at each other then at Elemental, "Let's just go," Time says as he drags Elemental with him and continues to follow Sabre.

They eventually found a path leading to a house in an open part of the forest, "Is this his house?" Time asks Sabre, who nods his head, confirming Time's question. They walk up to the door and Sabre knocks, there was shuffling behind the door before a Green Steve opened the door, "Sabre, is this Time and Elemental?" He asked him cheerfully, "Yeah, thank you so much for doing this, you didn't have to," Sabre says while hugging him, "It's fine, I like to help people in ways I can and this is a way I can," He said while moving so they can come inside.

William wasn't like most Green Steves, he had antlers on his head and hooves like a deer as well as strange markings under his eyes. He directed the three to sit on the couch while he sat on the armchair across from it, "So, what do you think we have to work on?" William asks the three, Elemental says quiet and silently pouts like a young child, "I think its mainly anger and attachment issues," Time says while glancing at Elemental who snapped his head to look at Time when he said he had anger issues, "I do not have anger issues!" He screams while looking at Time, who had an unimpressed look on his face.

After a few minutes of chatting, Time and Sabre left but promised to come back later for Elemental, Sabre hugged William and thanked him again before leaving with Time, who gave Elemental some rules to follow so he doesn't burn down the whole forest.

Elemental stayed seated on the couch while William came back to his spot on the armchair after walking Sabre and Time out, "So, I think we should do introduction first. My name is William, I'm a Green Steve and I prefer to be in a little more remote places," He said and waited for Elemental to introduce himself, "I'm Elemental, I control elements... I like pie... Time is my brother... I don't know what else to say..." Elemental mumbled but William heard him.

They talked for a few hours, getting to know each other, Elemental started getting fond of the Green Steve and took on a move relaxed posture, "Well Ele, Sabre and Time should be coming to take you back soon, do you want to talk tomorrow or do you want to talk a different day?" Will asked him, "I'm fine with tomorrow and since I now know where this place is I can teleport here on my own," Elemental explains.

there was a knock on the door and Will stood up to get it, "Hey guys!" Will greeted Sabre and Time then left them inside, "How did it go?" Time asked both of them, "It went very nicely, we just got to know each other tho so we didn't work on anything yet but I'm hoping we will tomorrow," Will explains, and Elemental nods in agreement, "That's great, I'm happy that this worked out!" Sabre said with glee.

Elemental And William continued to talk almost every day since and with each visit Elemental grew more attached to him.

Today was not his day, almost everything was going wrong, Sabre went back to using the Darkness and was not listening to anyone not even Time or Light or the Leaders. Elemental needed to blow off some steam but in a nonviolent way, teleporting himself to William's house he knocked on the door and waited, the door open to Will gently smiling at him, "Hey Ele, you need to talk?" He asked him, he nodded his head and Will lets him inside.

After talking for about 15 minutes Elemental was fuming and Will was trying to think of a way to calm him down, "Hey Ele, I'm sure everything will be fine, I've known Sabre for a long time and he seems to know what he's doing but I'm meeting with him later and I'll talk with him about it," He said while reaching for Elementals arm but made the mistake of not checking which one.

He let out a small pained noise and pulled his hand back, Elemental turned to him to see his hand was now bright red and trying to silence a pain filled scream, "I'm so sorry!" Elemental screamed with tears running down his cheeks, "It's fine Ele, but can you get me some bandages?" He asks him, Elemental rapidly nods his head and follows the directions of where the bandages are.

He runs back with the bandages to see Will cradling his burned hand, he wastes no time in quickly but carefully bandaging his hand. Holding Will's hand made his face heat up, after a while, and a little talk with Time, he found out he fell for the deer like Green Steve. Looking to meet his eyes, he noticed that Will's face was also bright red, without even knowing the two got closer until their noses touched, Elemental realized and pulled away but was pulled back by Will.

They share a short but loving kiss and cuddled with Elemental holding Will's bandaged hand with his water one, it was almost noontime when the door open while Elemental and Will were sharing another kiss, "Are you kissing mine and your therapist?" A voice came from the doorway, the two looked over to see Sabre with an uncomfortable look on his face.

Elemental and Will had a bright red blush on their faces, "I'll come back later..." Sabre says while backing out of the house, "Sabre, wait! I want to talk to you about some things!" Will said getting up with Elemental getting up with him, "Okay, should I come back later or?..." Sabre asks, "I can leave," Elemental said, Will hugged him before he left him with Sabre.

Elemental went back to the Inbetween and flopped on his bed, Leaf ran into his room to greet him, he patted their head, "Leaf, I think I'm in a relationship now," He said to them, they tilted their head, "I don't know what to think of it either... but I like it," He said with a slight blush and bright smile on his face.

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