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This story is a sequel to SimplyKenn's Breathe: Max X Reader. The first installment of the this series, Breathe, can be found on my profile.

While this story can be read as a stand-alone, it is not recommended to do so. Understanding the backstory and the individual development of each character prior to this timeline is important in understanding why each character behaves the way that they do. Reading Breathe will also help explain any tension or odd behaviors characters may display when interacting with each other.

With that being said I would like to briefly note that this continuation takes place in the future. All characters will be aged up to at least eighteen. I made this choice because I, the author, am an adult and no longer do I feel comfortable writing romances between children. My writing style, with my age, has matured.

Exhale, like Breathe, will be written in an entirely literate novel-format. My goal is for this story to be read as if it were a novel. I do not want this to feel like a fanfiction, I want it to feel like an experience.

I hope you all enjoy reading Exhale.

McKenna ❤️

Exhale || Max X Reader - Camp Camp (Sequel to Breathe)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora