An Unexpected Confession?

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Everyone turned to look at Norman, waiting for what he had to say.  Ray gave him a nudge and he took a deep breath, "Um, er, never mind."  He muttered, turning to look out the window.  Ray leaned in and whispered something into his ear which caused his eyes to widen, "Um, Emma will you go to the dance with me?"  He asked.  Emma looked confused for a minute,

"But we always go to school dances with Ray together, silly!"  She exclaimed. 

"Nononono, I meant without Ray.  It'll just be the two of us."  Norman explained.  Emma nodded right away.  

"Great!  That settles the pairings and that means that I don't have to third-wheel this time again!"  Ray said.  He got out of his seat and began to dance,

"But you still have to attend because the dance counts as a part of our grade."  Gilda pointed out.  Ray stopped dancing,

"Oh, right.  Norman, I'll be taking Emma for just one dance okay?"  He asked.  Norman shot a glare at him.  Ray knew that he got the wrong idea and decided to clarify things up, "Don't worry, it'll be just like siblings after their parents force them to dance together.  You can even watch the whole time to make sure!  I just don't want my grades to get lowered because of this bloody dance!"  He explained.  

After everything was hashed out, the group began to watch the sunset.  Once they got down, the group parted ways with Gilda and Emma going to the shopping mall to meet up with Anna and the rest of the group going home.

Gilda and Emma must have looked in a million places before deciding on what they were going to wear.  As they had different styles, it was hard for the other to have an opinion on the others dress which ended up with Anna choosing for both of them. They payed for their dresses before heading out.  They were just passing by when they bumped into Nat.

"Oh, I've got to go, see you guys soon!"  Anna exclaimed.  Emma looked confused before Gilda filled her in,

"Nat walks Anna home because they live close.  It's kind of cute!" 

"Yeah, you're right, it is extremely cute!"  Emma agreed before getting a text.  She picked up her phone and read it.  "We need to head over to Ray's place, they're going to a karaoke studio and want us to come."  

(Skip to where Emma and Gilda arrived)

Gilda barged into the house, "Who's idea was it?"  She yelled.

"Who else would be stupid enough to come up with the idea in the first place?"  Ray asked.

"What Ray meant to say was that it was Don's idea."  Norman explained.  

"Oh come on, where's all your senses of fun?"  Don asked,

"Don, nobody can sing that well when it's two in the morning."  Emma said.

The group nodded their heads in agreement, "Come on!  It'll be fun!  We didn't drag Emma and Gilda here for nothing!"  Don reasoned

"Wow!  Don made a valid point in an argument for once."  Ray said,

"Oh, come on!  I make valid points all the time."  Don yelled.  Ray pulled out his notebook and skimmed through it,

"This would be your third valid point in an argument since we've met."  Ray said while snickering.

"Let's just get this over with.  Who's driving?"  Gilda asked.  Everyone pointed to Ray

"Why me?" He asked.

"Because you're the best driver!"  Emma exclaimed,

"Because I dislike you the most."  Gilda explained.

"Fine!"  Ray grumbled before grabbing his keys, "No eating in the back, Don!  I don't want to spend 2 hours vacuuming the car because someone decided to chow down on a muffin."  

"Why are you directing that specifically to me?"  Don asked,

"Because you're the one who's always snacking and also the person who's the largest klutz in the world."  Ray reasoned.

Everyone got into the car, with Don sitting shotgun so Ray can make sure that his car stays clean.  They arrived after a twenty minute drive of Ray arguing with Don because he kept looking at him every five seconds. 

They unloaded their stuff and waited for Nat and Anna to come as a last-minute decision from Emma to include them.  While they were waiting, they spotted Norman's mother.  They quickly hid in a room and texted Nat and Anna to wait at a restaurant near by.  While sneaking out, Norman's mom somehow knew they were there because parents are wizards and walked towards them.

"Ah, I was just reserving a room for all of you after Norman told me that you were going out.  Where are you all going?"  She asked,

"We just wanted to eat dinner because the amusement park made us hungry!"  Gilda responded while subtly making her way to the door.

"I'll leave you guys to it then!  Head to room 106 when your done."  Norman's mom replied before heading out the door and walking home.  Nobody was sure if she was completely gone, so they just decided to go to the restaurant anyways.

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