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Well, what exactly is love?

Is it the fleeting touch, the captivating language, the spellbinding laugh of your lover? Is it their heart and soul that you will never be able to caress with a bare hand?
Is love the mornings you wake up next to your lover, feeling your heart beat with a completeness that is foreign yet the best you have ever been?

Is it your pancakes drenched in honey at the end of a lonesome day? Is it the first home you ever found, in the company of your mother’s arms? Is it two best friends sharing a secret with a glance of their eyes as they sit out on the balcony, watching the sun sink into the lilac sky?

And is love hearing your most cherished tales from the mouth of your favourite person, over and over again?

But if love is all those moments and places and things and people that bring to you happiness and a sense of being, then love must also be heart wrenching agony. For the good never exists without the hurt, love must also be placing yourself in a lethal position and shaping all your deepest fears into a blade and handing it to the one you love, and lying at their mercy, slowly counting down the seconds.

Love must also be your father’s fist through the wall and your mother’s eyes morphing into a distant graveyard. Love must also mean a hand gripped too tight, a menacing flash of eyes upon asking to be set free. Love must also be a prison and a battlefield, little deaths and countless sacrifices.

And maybe love can never be defined and no amount of kisses or hours or distance or passion can measure the gravity of love. Maybe that is as close as we can ever get to comprehend what love is.

But love also has to be all the dark and blood spattered things because this is all I have ever known and believed.

Love is letting an ivy breed and capture you,
knowing all the while that it will eventually strangle you.

Creekside (a taylor swift fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now