Spin the Bottle -Karl Jacobs Smut-

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My first Karl smut- Hahahahahaaaaaa enjoy!! It's gonna be a long one so get some snacks :p
Also if you're not comfortable with this, please do not get mad at me or just don't read! I checked and made sure that Karl is okay with this, if anyone writes mean comments, they're being blocked immediately
Top: Karl
Bottom: Y/N Fem!Reader
Kinks: Slight choking and unprotected sex (Reader is on birth control)
I didn't really want to be here, my roommates dragged me to the party. It was my first party as a freshman in collage, I was standing over in the corner as far from everyone as possible. As I stood there, watching people dance and make out in the corners of the house, one of my roommates comes up to me "Hey, you see that guy over there? The one with the fluffy brown hair?" I look over towards the kitchen and nod "Yeah, what about him?" She giggles that fake laugh of hers "He wants to talk to you" I look at her in disbelief "No, he doesn't, Rayne" She rolls her eyes "Yes he does! He wants to talk to you so go! This could be your chance!" I sigh "Alright fine" I walk over to the guy and tap his shoulder, he turns to me with a pretty smile "Hey, do I know you?" I shake my head "No, my roommate said you wanted to talk to me though" He gives me a confused look "Who? I don't know who you're talking about" I look over and see that Rayne and her friends were laughing 'This is embarrassing' I sigh softly "Sorry.. My roommate just likes playing jokes on me. I'll leave you alone" I go to leave but the guy grabs my hand "That doesn't mean you have to go.. I'm Karl" He lets go of my hand to shake it and I smile "I'm Y/N" He gives me a wide smile, I liked the way his eyes sparkled. God, he's so pretty. We talked for a while, he was a bit touchy but I learned that's just how his personality is. The crowd of people started thinning out after a couple hours. Only a handful of people were still here.

"Hey, Karl! Wanna play spin the bottle?" One of his friends ask, think his name is Sapnap "Yeah sure. Wanna play, Y/N?" I nod "Sure! I'll play" We go over to the middle of the living room, I say between Karl and Sapnap. The only people playing were Dream, George, my two roommates and then me, Sapnap and Karl. I was incredibly nervous, I haven't kissed anyone in a while. "So, we're playing spin the bottle but twisting it up by adding 7 minutes in heaven to it" Dream explains and everyone nods "Y/N.. Why don't you go first?" Rayne offers so I lean over and spin the bottle, it went around a couple times then landed on Dream. I could feel my cheeks heat up, I've seen Dream around, he's incredibly handsome but I didn't really like him but rules are rules right? I get up and let Dream lead me to a closet "7 minutes, we'll open it when it's up" Sapnap says and we both nod and then close the door. It was dark, I couldn't really see him, I could feel the awkward tension "Are you okay with this?" He asks softly, I nod "Yeah, just new to me is all" He laughs a bit "We don't have to do anything you know.. We could just talk" I smiled a bit "Yeah we can but I don't want to be a pussy and not do anything so.." I stand on my tip toes and gently peck his lips. That caught him completely off guard but he laughs "I'm really happy you can't see me right now" I laugh "Surprise you or something?" He nods "Yeah kinda" Dream and I talked for the next few minutes we had left

Once we came back out, I go and sit down "Did you two do anything?" I shake my head "No, we just talked" One of my other roommates, Lexi, rolls her eyes. "Boringggg! But my turn!" The game went on and on, I had to go into the closet with Rayne and Lexi once but right now, it's my turn to spin again. I haven't had Karl yet, I really wanted him. I spin the bottle and watched as it went around a couple times then it lands on Karl. I bit back a smile and looked at him, he stands up "Come on, sweetheart" My roommates looked at me with jealousy and I just smile. We enter the closet together, closing it behind us "So how many people have you kissed?" He asks and I shrug "Only Dream.. It wasn't even a real kiss, just a peck. Why? Are you jealous?" He chuckles "Maybe.. I think I beat you though. I haven't kissed anyone" I tilt my head "Why's that?" He leans down, his lips close to mine "Because I wanted to wait for you" He teasingly rubs his lips against mine "Then what are you waiting for? You have me, just take it" He finally presses his lips against mine, he held me close. It was a heated kiss, as if the tension was building up from the beginning. Karl gently nibbles my lower lip, causing a quiet whimper to leave my mouth. He pulls away a bit, both of us panting heavily "I want you so bad~"

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