Little -Dream Fluff-

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Little definition: A mindset where people go into to escape their own world and into a more innocent one.
I might be wrong but I tried to put as simple as possible cuz I can't remember the exact definition. But I have this, I don't call this a condition or a disease because that's not what little space is. It's just a way to get out of situations, to relieve yourself of stress or anything.
Being little is NOT SEXUAL
Anyway, I've said my peace. Enjoy!

Use of Daddy but non-sexual
Dream X Little Y/N fem!reader
Dream's POV
My darling, she looked so pretty sleeping. I carefully move a strand of hair from her face and her eyes flutter open "Sorry, darling. I didn't mean to wake you" She stretches her body and sighs "What time is it?" She asks, sleepily rubbing her eyes "It's um around 11am I think" She nods, her eyes falling closed again and I chuckle 'Such a sleepy girl' I smile "Darling, are you hungry?" She nods "Yes, daddy" I stand up, putting on my pants and a shirt "Come on, you need to get up also" She whines and shakes her head "No! I stay here!" I sigh and walk over to her side and take the blankets off her making her whine loudly "Daddy! It cold!" I laugh and lean down, opening my arms for her "Well let's get you dressed and you won't be cold anymore" She sits up and lets me dress her in one of my hoodies

"Better?" She nods "B-Better!" I pick her up and carry her to the kitchen, Y/N leaving small kisses on my neck. I sit her on the counter but she doesn't let go "Y/N~ You need to let go if you want me to make you some food" She hugs me tightly again then let's go "I-I just wanted a huggie" I smile "You can hug me all you want, but you should eat first. How about pancakes and some bacon?" She nods her head quickly, swinging her legs back and forth "Yes, please! I l-love those things!" I always loved when she got excited, seeing Y/N so happy gave me butterflies. Even though she wasn't always her grown up self, it made it better that I could care for her, love her, and do things her little self can't do. I love her so much.

After making the pancakes, I put chocolate chips on top "Want some whipped cream?" She nods "Yes daddy!" I grab the whipped cream from the fridge and put some on my finger, holding it up for her to taste. She gently licks my finger and nods "It good!" I put some whipped cream on the pancakes then place the bacon on the side "All done!" I help her off the counter then hand her the plate "Can you feed me?" I shake my head "I still need to make my food" She pours "Y-You can share with me, daddy! Please?" I sigh, how could I say no to my darling? "Okay fine" She squeals happily and skips over to the table and sits down the plate "I wan sit on daddy's lap please!" I sit down and pull her onto my lap "You're being so good today, darling. Maybe I can reward you later" She giggles cutely at the praise "What reward, daddy?" I tap my chin "You'd need to be big to have it" She pouts "Being big is boring" Y/N usually has no memory of what she did when she's little, after she becomes "big" again (meaning an adult) I have to remind her what she did that day. She never liked being an adult, it's why she was little so often but when she is big it means we can do adult things that little her wouldn't understand.

"Well being a big, has some perks" She looks at me curiously as I begin cutting a piece of the pancakes "Like what?" I hum softly and hold up the piece for her, she takes it into her mouth and she wiggles happily "Like, you get to have the adult drinks you see daddy drink sometimes" She nods, not really listening to what I was saying "Dis good!" I laugh and take a bite of the bacon "I agree, it's pretty good" After eating the rest of the food, it was about time that Y/N takes her usual bubble bath "Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles!" She chanted repeatedly as I filled the tub with the bubbles, I chuckled at how cute she was being today. I help her undress then carefully set her into the warm water "Gonna get in also?" I smile "I will in a minute, I need to grab some clean clothes for you" She nods and plays with the bubbles

I leave the bathroom, grabbing her some underwear along with other clothes then I head back into the bathroom "Okay, darling I'm back" I look at Y/N, seeing that she was confused "Hey, honey! Why am I in a tub full of bubbles?" Ah, the random change of mind, this happens sometimes, I was never sure why but it could just be because she felt like being big again "Oh, well, you wanted to take a bubble bath, I'm back with your clothes if you want to get out. You just got in but it's fine" She thinks for a second "Nahhh, I don't want to waste the water so quickly, I'll stay in here. Were you gonna join me?" She asks a little smirk playing at her pretty lips "I was thinking about it.. Do you want me to?" She smiles "I don't mind. I think it'd be fun~"

I smirk "I think so also, darling~"

Word count: 1140
I actually rewrote this, before it was all angsty and shit but I decided to make it only fluff with a sex and adult references in it but I'm finally finished with this- Literally been working on this for like 2 months-

I'm so sorry if this wasn't accurate, this is all based on how I act when I'm in little space so please don't come at me in the comments (edit:) I'm rarely little, so not all of this is totally accurate since I can't do it often considering I always have to care for other people and have little time for myself so again, this was not incredibly accurate

Also I hope you don't mind the hints of the sexual frustration Dream has to go through or some sex jokes and there (don't know if I'd call them jokes but I can't think of another word)

But I hope you all enjoyed!!! Have an amazing day/night!!!

Max :)

DreamSMP Oneshots (DISCONTINUED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora