Chapter 17

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* Flashback *

He was checking her cupboard when a dairy fell open and he bent down to pick it up. He was about to pick it up and close it and keep it back in the cupboard when a word caught his eye, "Siddharth".

He picked it up and half closed it to check the cover and found it's Avneet's diary. After a lot of battle with his good and bad mind he finally decided to read it.

5th June 2019,

Around 11:30 pm,

Dear Diary,

You know sometimes I feel like I can never get over him. It's not like I don't try, I tried myself to forcefully have a crush on someone and even he left my mind for 2-3 days but he always returns after this span of time.

And sometimes I am confused that it's infatuation or I actually developed feelings for Siddharth? Because it can't be crush as crushes normally exists for 1 year or more precisely less than 1 year but for me it's whole 10 years.

I had attraction to him when I first saw him or you can say attraction at first sight and maybe it vanished and later maybe it changed into this after those teasing.

By teasing I mean, assuming things a lot. Like my friends or should I say "fake being" and those are the ones from our neighbourhood, they used to keep assuming that I love him, like how can a 6 year old kid love someone?

The kid who doesn't even know l of love or the meaning or definition of love can fall for someone? And they kept teasing me with this. And not just this, almost everyone is shipping us, all the school and bus mate, not just them but my relatives too. Like why can't they let me live my life peacefully?

Out of all bhaiya and didu are my only relatives who judges me when needed, I am not saying that no one should judge you but instead there should be someone who judges us when needed like to show us the right path or to help us in some activities, and these need judges but those aunties are like they don't even know me or specifically I don't know them, they will just jump out of nowhere and bombard me with their questions.

Like seriously sometimes I think they are more interested in my life than their own child's. Okay my mind is all good so I can peacefully sleep now.

I will keep you updated.


Although he always doubted Avneet to have feelings for Siddharth but he kept quiet that maybe if she really does, she would tell someone at least, but she never told anyone.

He guessed all these by her body language. And now that he was confirmed that Avneet loves Siddharth, he took the notes he needed and left for Siddharth's house.

* Flashback ends *

Avi: Oh.

Jaijeet: You didn't answer me?

Avi: What?

Jaijeet: Do you still like Siddharth?

Avi: Well, honestly yes I do.

Jaijeet: And you tried to move on?

Avi: Yes I did. No matter how hard I try to move on but I just can't. Whenever I am reading some novel or listening songs or sitting idle, it's like, old memories flash my mind. I can't forget him, nor those words by those people.

Jaijeet: Maybe you should tell about it to him?

Avi: I don't think so.

Jaijeet: But why?

Avi: .....

To be continued...

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Unrequited Love [Completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora