Jungkook was a little taken by the sudden mood change, but also a bit confused by what the other had meant.

"What do you mean turn you in? I thought you left willingly on your own."

Taehyung groaned, "I did!" The yelling echoed the room, causing Jungkook to anxiously step back with cation.

He seemed to notice the uncomfortable body language of the other, letting himself step back and take a deep breath in.

"I did Jungkook, I left, and if you don't want to be around me you are free to leave," he said in a much more calm tone, "I don't want to be making you uncomfortable if you're not used to things like this."

The flower fairy sighed, taking in all the information, "it's just so different."

Taehyung smiled a little, "the fear of being different prevents a lot of others from experimenting with who they actually are," he began to ramble happily, "do you wanna be one of the ones who are afraid, Jungkook?"

The younger thought for a moment before shaking his head slightly, "no..."

That sentence cause Taehyung to grin brightly, "then take a peach with me! Try it out, and if you hate it you and I never have to do it ever again."

Jungkook thought about it for a moment, nervously glancing around at the ground where his feet were planted.

"Just once?" he mumbled softly, slowly beginning to bring his gaze back up to stare into Taehyungs.

The older fairy nodded excitedly, "I promise."

Jungkook took a deep breath in, a small smile slowly beginning to creep onto his face, "okay Taehyung, I'll do it."

"Yeah?" He exclaimed excitedly, grabbing a tight hold of the fairy's hand once again and jumping to fly up.

Jungkook stumbled a little from the action but immediately began to flutter his wings to hover up next to the other.

Taehyung had brought them up to the top of the wooden box, then quickly skipped himself over to where the small jar was planted.

He picked it up and shoved it in the direction of Jungkooks petit, still figure.

"Take one," he nudged eagerly, even beginning to shake the jar as if a sense to make it more appealing.

The smaller fairy hesitantly began to pull his hand forward, the off feeling of his body being magnetized away, yet so attracted towards the jar confused him.

He slowly reached his hand in and pulled out one of the many miniature blue fruits.

The fairy gazed at it down in the palm of his hand before shuffling in his position awkwardly.

Taehyung did the same and pulled one out, smiling quite wide.

"You might wanna take your clothes off."

Jungkook was taken back by that, a sudden puzzled look sprawling across his face, "what?"

"Not in a weird way or anything, but like, this shit ain't a spell, it's gonna make you grow, not your clothes, and unless you don't want anything to change back into after, I wouldn't—"

"Okay okay I get it," Jungkook whispered, before beginning to awkwardly get undressed.

Once he was fully uncovered Taehyung smiled.

"You ready?"

Jungkook cleared his throat, "I guess..." and awkwardly averted his gaze.

The fairy hummed excitedly, "okay, on three?"

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