132 14 56

Third person POV

"Jungkook! You didn't wrap this bundle correct!"

"And you missed half of the seeds when budding this plant!"

"The flowers aren't lined up! you're making gaps!"

The poor flower fairy was having so much trouble trying to focus and do his jobs correctly.

People were nagging him left and right, pointing out all his mistakes.

"Your blooming is so inconsistent today gguk," a fairy piped up fluttering next to the boy, "these ones are barley open, while those other ones—"

"I know, I'm sorry," Jungkook mumbled embarrassed, cupping his face and groaning in annoyance, "I'll fix it, I promise."

"Jeon Jungkook!"

The boys face perked up at the familiar voice loudly filling the air.

His heart began to pace a little.

It was the King.

Jungkook wasted no time before immediately racing towards the noise, not wanting to keep the king waiting.

He placed himself into the tree, the king's piercing gaze burning right through him.

"Jungkook," he now began quite softly, "do you want to tell me anything?"

Jungkooks heart dropped.

Did the king know about him going to see Taehyung?

Surely not.

"I don't think so," the fairy mumbled a little worry filling his voice as his eyes wandered nervously around the olders face.

"You have been slacking tremendously all day," the king brought up sternly but still with a tad of worry filling his voice, "do you want to tell me why?"

Jungkook nervously gnawed his bottom lip, thinking for a moment.

He then shook his head not being able to form any words.

The king sighed, rubbing his temple slightly in frustration.

"Jungkook this is serious, you didn't bundle the babies correctly," he stated, placing his hand gently onto the boys shoulder, "that is extremely dangerous for them, and you know that."

Jungkook nodded, still to embarrassed to speak up.

The king sucked a deep breath in and slowly let it drift out, dragging his hand slowly off the boys shoulder.

"I think it would be best if you took a couple days off, I don't want you to be feeling over worked."

"Oh no! Sir Jung, I am not feeling over worked at all—" Jungkook now quickly started to bud in.

"Jungkook, trust me," the king cut him off, "you need this, it will be great to get you back to your best-working-self."

"Sir Jung please—"

"Jeon Jungkook," the king order sternly, "I am not asking you to do this, I am telling you to," he glared, shutting the smaller boy up right away.

He glanced down to the ground, nodding his head, "okay, sorry," he let slip out.

"Thank you," the king ended, "now go, you need to rest."

Jungkook nodded and jumped up, fluttering his wings and flying off, not stealing one glance back.

While flying forward someone suddenly started hovering next to him.

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