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22697705: what is this?
Raven: it's a groupchat what does it look like
Lexa: Raven added us
22697705: i think you've got the wrong person- sorry
Octavia: nah, none of us know eo
22697705: why?
Raven: for fun
22697705: how do i know you're not a bunch of scammers?
Raven: oh shut up clarke. You j gotta trust us
Octavia: what's you're name @22697705
22697705: why?
Lexa: so we don't have to call you by ur number-
22697705: i'm going to leave-
Raven: ur loss

*22697705 left the chat*

Lexa: rip
Octavia: can't believe they acc left
Clarke: i should have done that
Raven: oh shut up you love us
Octavia: oh hey clarke have you broken up with Finn yet?
Clarke: yeah-
Raven: how'd it go?
Clarke: he was understanding actually. kinda made it harder for me
Lexa: you're better off without him
Octavia: yeah
Raven: wait Clarke. that means you and i must live in the same area?
Clarke: oh yeahh
Lexa: ooh exciting
Octavia: so where do you guys live?
Clarke: uh
Raven: oh come on clarke, I Live in a town called Arkadia.
Clarke: me too!
Octavia: oh hey i was born there
Raven: really?
Octavia: yeah! but then we moved- but it's still close
Raven: where do you live now?
Octavia: Town over, Polis
Lexa: oh hey i live there
Raven: what like Polis City?
Lexa: yeah
Octavia: i live on the outside of the city closer to the woods
Raven: damn that's so cool I go there all the time
Clarke: yeah me too
Lexa: this is actually pretty cool
Octavia: omg we could meet
Clarke: uhh
Raven: oh come on Clarke it'll be fun
Clarke: i dunno-
Octavia: wait what school do you guys or did you guys go to?
Lexa: I used to go to Polis high, now i go to Trikru university
Octavia: no way I go to Polis high
Raven: woah so maybe you've met lexa?
Octavia: i actually think i may have heard of her...
Lexa: damn really?
Octavia: Lexa woods?
Lexa: yeah
Octavia: it adds up now. You're that big football player.
Lexa: big? i dunno
Octavia: shit wait was the azgeda thing with you?
Clarke: Azgeda?
Lexa: the rival team who..killed costia-
Raven: I heard rumours about them- but holy
Clarke: one of my friends goes to Azgeda university..
Raven: same
Lexa: it's not the whole town guys. it's j the team

*Private chat between Raven and Clarke*

Clarke: hey raven
Raven: sup clarke
Clarke: my friends the captain of the azgeda football team-
Raven: wait what
Clarke: His names roan. you don't think he could have..
Raven: no no they probably just got another captain
Clarke: you think?
Raven: who would want a murderer as captain?
Clarke: I dunno...
Raven: Clarke seriously I highly doubt it
Clarke: yeah yeah you're right
Raven: ofc i am, besides I have a friend in azgeda, Echo
Clarke: how do u know her?
Raven: I saved her life once lol
Clarke: you what- how
Raven: eh she was lost and i found her so i took her back with me, got her cleaned up and all
Clarke: i don't think that's classified as saving her life
Raven: i forgot to mention that was attacked by a bear
Raven: oops?

*Back in the group chat*

Lexa: where'd Clarke and Raven go?
Octavia: probably fucking
Clarke: how would we even-
Raven: i have my ways
Clarke: ur not helping the point
Lexa: lol
Octavia: anyways what school do u 2 go to?
Raven: arkadia prep
Clarke: stopp revealing so much information
Raven: do u go to ArkP or not?
Clarke: yes i go ArkP
Lexa: ArkP?
Raven: Arkadia Prep
Octavia: lexa how dumb r u to not understand that
Raven: sure you were
Octavia: so if we r all so close we should definitely meet up
Clarke: hell nah.
Raven: if you don't i'll find you, follow you home, gut you and feed u to my dog
Clarke: 😀
Lexa: ayo-
Raven: chill tf out klork i was joking
Octavia: I would keep your doors locked j in case tho
Raven: octavia.
Octavia: raven.
Raven: octavia.
Octavia: capitalise my name bitch
Raven: no u capitalise mine.
Octavia: I told u first
Raven: that's not how this works
Octavia: hell yes it is. now capitalise my name
Raven: Make me
Lexa: okayyy that's enough of that
Octavia: Clarke i gotta ask why r u so uptight about talking to us?
Clarke: cos i dont know u
Raven: that's how u meet people Clarke
Octavia: maybe she's a loner
Clarke: i'm not a loner
Lexa: are you like this with everyone you talk to?
clarke: no
Raven: why us then?
Clarke: cos i've never met u
octavia: so
Clarke: so u could be some sociopathic murderer
Raven: who says i'm not?
Clarke: exactly my point
Octavia: that's just Raven being Raven
Clarke: raven being raven is equal to raven being a murderer
Lexa: 🤦🏻‍♀️
Octavia: this is stupid
Clarke: no it's not
Raven: it is
clarke: well if raven is a murderer don't come crying to me
Raven: moving on, clarke have you spoke with Finn yet?
Clarke: no...
Octavia: girl
Clarke: guys i fr found out in the middle of the night and now i'm at school
Lexa: you didn't even message him to talk?
Clarke: should i?
Raven: djdj yes
Octavia: you can find someone a thousand times better
Lexa: hell yes you can
Octavia: and hey Lexas free
Clarke: lol
Raven: clarke you are so weird
Clarke: what did i do now?
Octavia: jfjfjf
Raven: nothing nothing
Clarke: whatever i'm going to class
Raven: bye
Lexa: same, cya guys
Octavia: bye
Raven: have fun in class
Octavia: likely story

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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