'Were you there?'

I flash a blasé smile.

- Of course yes. Didn't you see me there when you walked in with James?

She frowns.

- No.

"Well, if you didn't even see me coming in!" I say ironically. — When I walked into Steve's office, I was there with my face buried in the computer...
It even seemed taken by a possession.

She widens her eyes.

'Do you really think so?' That I was taken?

Oh Jesus!

I approach your table.

- Yes definitely. never noticed?

“No, I mean… I have the gift, you know? She lowers her voice and looks at me fervently. Believe me, it's kind of terrifying. - I'm sure there are some
spirits that would like to take over my body.

Oh my!

“Well, I think one of those guys over there, those spirits, might have taken you… That explains why you didn't see me pass and also why you didn't see me in Steve's office.

- You think? I saw Steve and James, how come I didn't see you?

- That's how it works! They are… hanging around your neck, have you never seen that Japanese movie? The… obsessing spirits hang there.

"That's why I have terrible back pain!" I've even been taking a lot of painkillers… They also confuse me… Maybe it's not even the medicine, it's the spirits!

- I also think! In addition to staying behind your back, they must also, I don't know, close your eye so you only see what they want. And you know what? I lower my voice, sounding a bit cavernous like hers. “I've also heard that sometimes you can see things that aren't there.

— Like hallucinations?

- It 's exactly. For example, you might think there's someone in Steve's office, I don't know., having sex with him.

— Wow, I would never see such a thing, it's absurd!

- I agree! But the spirits can do to confuse you!
So if you hear, I don't know, moans… You'll know it's them, confusing your mind.

“Oh, wow… I thought they were my friends. You know, I like to visit cemeteries and praise them. Why would they do this to me?

“Oh, Wanda, how are we supposed to know what's on a ghost's mind, honey?

- I would like to know.

“So die, huh, die,” I mean, but I just smile and pat his hand, pulling away.

— Well, the chat is very interesting, but I have to get back to my work.

"Why were you in Steve's office?" Wanda still asks and I turn around.

'Don't you remember calling me?' Wow, Wanda, they're really tormenting you!

- Wow. And even! Do you want to have lunch with me today? she asks hopefully.

Hell, lunch with that lunatic?

Though it might be nice to be friends with Wanda.

I could go up on the board more often…

I crack a smile.

- Sure. Why not?

- Excellent. Let's grab our lunch at Pret a Manger and head to the cemetery!

An Unexpected EngagementМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя