For their night activities, they will be playing some games which Mikey, Haru, Senju, Kyoko, Baji, Kazutora, Draken, Chifuyu, Hakkai, Mitsuya, Pehyan, Pahchin, Kokonoi, Sanzu, Takemichi, Yamagishi, Akkun, Takuya, and Makoto are in a different room, playing The King Game.

"Put this!! And this!!"

"Don't forget to mix with this as well!!!"


Said both Baji and Kazutora as they laughed evilly while mixing many things inside one glass like evil witches that make a poison potion, getting everyone to stare at the drinks that look like could poison anyone just by sipping it once.

"Cheese! Soda! Sauce bbq! Chili sauce! And more cheese! HAHAHAHHAHAHHAA!!", said Baji.

"I'm not drinking that shit.", said Mikey while looking at the drinks with disbelief.

"DiSgUsTiNg ShEt~", said Haru while everyone looked at the drinks with disgust on their face.

"Now~ SHALL WE BEGIN THE GAME?!!", shouts Baji while holding the small waste bin with many sticks inside it. "Everyone, please pick one!!", said Baji with everyone was taking the sticks from the bin and hides it.

"I'M KING!!", shout Pehyan which everyone turns to look at him. "Number 4 and number 6, please hug each other!!!", said Pehyan while everyone looked at each other, wondering who is number 4 and number 6.

Then, Kazutora showed his stick with the number 6 on it with Mikey who also showed his stick with the number 4 on it. Both Kazutora and Mikey look at each other for a moment, progressing the situation until they finally get it.

"I'M NOT HUGGING THIS GUY!!!", shout Kazutora while pointing at Mikey with disbelief.


"Mikey, you did not even hug Izana when you were dared to.", said Draken.


"Guys....hug or drink it.", said Pehyan with a creepy smile on his face while slowly lifting the poisoning drinks. Quickly both Mikey and Kazutora shut up their mouth as they stared at the drinks. In the end, both of them just forcibly hug each other than drink that disgusting thing.

"Alright! Continue! Pick the stick again!!", said Baji which everyone picked their sticks again.

"WAHAHAHAHHAHA! I'M KING, BITCH!!", shout Baji evilly which everyone looks at him with terrified.

"Oh no...not him.", said Mitsuya.

"Please, not me. Please.", beg Chifuyu.

"Someone please kidnap me right now!!", said Senju.

"NUMBER 1 and NUMBER 10!! KISS FOR 30 SECONDS!!", shout Baji which everyone was shocked by the order.


"Who number 1 and number 10?!", asked Kokonoi while looking at everyone.

Then, slowly Kyoko lifted her sticks that showed number 1 on it with Sanzu who lifted his stick that showed number 10 on it. Sanzu and Kyoko were staring at each other with Kyoko were lil bit blushing to know that she have to kiss Sanzu or else drink that disgusting thing.

"Oh, wait. Let me take a popcorn first.", said Haru while magically taking out the popcorn with glasses, giving one to Senju as they were excited to see how things going. "Now, you guys can continue~"

"Come on~ kiss or drink!", said Baji with an amusing smirk on his face.

"This is why I don't want to be chosen when Baji is the king.", said Mitsuya which Draken nodded in agreement with what he said.

It's was silent for a moment which Kyoko and Sanzu were staring at each other. If they look at the drinks, there's no way both of them want to drink that but at the same time, if they refuse to drink, they have to kiss. Sanzu was staring at Kyoko, waiting for her answers if she wants to continue with the order or just give up and drink it.

"It's just 30 seconds, right?", asked Kyoko lil bit hesitant.

"Yes! Just 30 seconds.", Baji answer her.

"If Sanzu was okay with it, then I won't mind since I don't want to drink that shit.", said Kyoko while looking at soda that had been mixing with many things inside it.

"I don't mind it. I don't want to drink that disgusting shit as well.", said Sanzu.

"Alright! Since both of you agree! Then proceed the order from the king!!", said Baji which Haru and Senju were getting excited as they watched them while eating the popcorn.

"I will hold the timer.", said Chifuyu.

Everyone was watching both Sanzu and Kyoko who were facing each other as they stared with some blush on their cheek. Then, Sanzu takes off his black mask as his eyes are eyeing Kyoko's face, observing everything on her face. Slowly his face closer to the girl, causing her to close her eye as both of their lips are touching each other.

Immediately, Chifuyu starts the timer right after Sanzu placed his lips on the girl's lip. 30 seconds feels so long which room feels hotter for both of them. Sanzu's heart was beating so fast as he crazily wanted to slide in his tongue inside Kyoko's mouth, kissing and playing with her tongue but don't have any reason to go that further, nor was she even his girlfriend yet.

"Alright, 30 seconds is finished.", said Chifuyu, which quickly both Sanzu and Kyoko break the kiss and turn away with full blushes over their face.

"Even it's just touching lips, I satisfy.", said Haru while eating popcorn with Senju.

"Looking forward to the real kiss one.", said Senju which Haru nodded her head in agreement.

Waiting for them to calm down their heart first, They then continue the game more rounds before turning to the game of truth or dares game.

"MIKEY! TRUE OR DARE!!", shout Baji which it's was his turn to ask.


"I DARE YOU TO GET OUT OF THIS ROOM AND STAY UNTIL WE FINISH THE GAME!", shout Baji while pointing at the door.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!!", everyone laughed so hard by Baji dared to Mikey.

"Do it, Mikey, or drink it.", said Baji while smirking as he pointed at the previous drinks that had none one drinking it yet.

"FINE!!", shout Mikey as wakes up and walked out of the room, closing the door strongly as he was pissed after being dared to get out of the room.

"Since Mikey outside now. My turn! HARU!! True or dare?!", asked Kazutora while pointing at Haru.

"Dare!", answered Haru proudly.

"I dare you to ignore Mikey for the whole day tomorrow!", said Kazutora which Haru looks at him with full shock.

"Huh?! Ignore him?! I never ignore him in entire of my life and you want me to do that?!", asked Haru in disbelief.

"Yup! Do that tomorrow or else drink it now.", said Kazutora while smirking evilly with Baji.

"Erghh...fine! I guess Manjirou won't be that sad if I ignore him for a day.....right?", asked Haru while turning to Senju and Kyoko who shrugged towards the blonde hair girl.

"Bet that they already planned this.", said Hakkai which Chifuyu just let out a sigh of defeat while seeing Baji and Kazutora who were snickering between them.

Then, the night game continues even more before they go to sleep. And like that, Haru has to ignore Mikey for the whole day tomorrow on their next trip, without the boy knowing himself what waiting for him.

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