Before Judith could finish the job, you stepped in front of the girl. Her wide panicked eyes met yours and your heart shattered when you saw them swimming with unshed tears.

"I-I killed him. I killed him." She stuttered in shock.

"No. You just stabbed him, okay?" You insisted before you turned around and stabbed the blade of your sword through the Whisperers head, killing him instantly. "See that? I killed him."

Judith nodded ever so slightly, the tears in her eyes silently falling down her face, but you could tell that she was trying to be brave as she bit her lip in effort to stop it from trembling.

"Hey, hey, hey, listen to me, okay? His blood is not worth a single one of your tears."

Judith nodded again, but still seemed to be in a state of shock. She was just a kid damnit. She shouldn't even be here. Why didn't she go with Ezekiel?

"I can take her." Earl's voice suddenly said, and you turned around to find the older man rushing towards you.

"No, I want to fight." Judith protested, snapping out of her shock.

"I know, kiddo. But you need to keep the other kids and your brother safe. Can you do that for me?" You asked and she nodded. "Good girl, now go with Earl."

To your relief, she didn't try and argue. Earl grabbed her hand, and you watched him lead her to safety before you turned your attention back to the fight.

The walkers just kept coming through as you fought against them. You hadn't come across another Whisperer though, all the ones you crossed paths with were actual walkers as you stabbed your sword through their skulls killing them all.

You weren't sure how much time had passed as you kicked the next walker out the way and looked around Hilltop. The entire community was up in flames and smoke, and that's when you realised that you couldn't see the others.

They had abandoned Hilltop.

That was probably the smart idea. This community was beyond saving, not even a single piece of infrastructure was standing, all of it either collapsed or on flames and about to collapse.

Shit, you needed to get out of here too before the herd traps you inside this burning death trap. However, before you had a chance to run, something hard collided into your back.

The force of the hit sent you falling to the ground, and you didn't get a chance to brace yourself before you fell, landing on one of the corpses that you had killed earlier.

You couldn't stop the cry of pain that escaped your lips, the hard landing jostling your injured ribs.

Black dots started to cloud your vision as you breathed through the pain and forced yourself onto your hands and knees.

You glanced around trying to figure out what had knocked you down before you saw the burning tree trunk on the ground beside you.


You nearly died from a fucking tree.

Shaking your head, you grabbed your sword from the ground and got to your feet, only just managing to kill the closest walker before it could attack you.

You winced, your ribs now really hurting as you wrapped your free arm around them and staggered out of Hilltop, cutting and fighting your way through the sea of the dead.

The woods were full of scattered walkers that had broken free from the herd, but they were scarce, and it was easy enough to hide from them and wait for them to pass instead of trying to fight. Your ribs were hurting too much to fight right now.

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