(Damon) above

(Delilah) above

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(Delilah) above

After Breakfast we saddle Damon and Delilah, not wasting anymore time.  Memories  start to replay in my mind from eighteen years ago. I was badly hurt, I'd  been attacked by a striga. It was a full moon and I was traveling through Caingorn, one of the towns on the borders of Redania. I remember , hearing a twig snap and then being tackled from my saddle. My mount at the time Aziel , Screamed in fear , rearing at the creature . Hitting it in the back. The Striga screamed  n anger. She swiped at me with more vigor, catching me in my side. I pulled my dagger from my thigh and thrust it up , right into the strigas chest.  With one last scream the striga fell dead.  I remember pushing it off me , but not how I mounted Aziel. I told him to take me to Kaer Seren. The closest Witcher school. I remember going in and out of consciousness. But eventually I woke long enough to see us come into the courtyard of Kaer Seren. I fell from Aziel's back moaning in agony. I remember hearing the sound of wings flapping down towards me.  I see a dark figure standing over me with eyes the color of  ocean blue . They glow white, and I remember nothing after that.

I shake off the memories when Jaskier asks " You've been silent for a good while now anything you want to talk about?" I shake my head No and spur Damon into a trot

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I shake off the memories when Jaskier asks " You've been silent for a good while now anything you want to talk about?"
I shake my head No and spur Damon into a trot. " come on, not much further."  When I see the keep come into view. We arrive to see few horses stabled and I quickly dismount, removing my saddle and saddle blanket. I watch as Jaskier dismounts and removes Delilah's tack as well. I smirk at him as he nearly falls over from the weight. " Jase?"
Huffing and puffing "yeah?" I laugh a little bit. " here give it to me." I take it from him and place it on a nearby gate.
"Anything I should know?" I shrug
" not really. But when we get  inside stay behind me and let me do all the talking." 
I move up the stairs towards the big wooden door. I place my hand on the handle and take a deep breath. I open it slowly and move inside . We walk down a long hallway , hearing  laughter coming from the gathering hall. When I come to the doorway I look around the corner to see seven men eating and laughing. I look back over my shoulder at Jaskier.

" Stay here. "

" Uh why?" He asks

" Because , this group is the fiercest of all Witchers."
    I whisper back. He gulps in fear.
I pull my hood up and move inside. Noticing when one of them sees me step into the light. He draws his sword as he stands.

" Coen? What's wrong with you?" Asks another. I see James smirk as his eyes land on me.
I roll my eyes from beneath my hood. He would play it this way. Not telling the others that I was coming. Coen steps forward .

" who are you?" He asks
I smirk placing my hand on my sword. The others look at me, a few recognize me and turn back to their meal. Coen the idiot, runs towards me. I sigh ,drawing my sword to block him.  We fight for a few minutes until I disarm him. He's on the ground with my sword against his throat.
" that's enough Rafe." Says James . I sheath my sword ,  and reach a hand down to Coen. He takes it and grasps my forearm in a warriors handshake. A sign of respect.
" Good to see you all. " I pull my hood back and a round of laughter goes up.
We'll look who decided to come for a visit!"  Says Galdir
I laugh as I'm surrounded by the others. Pulled into hugs from each one. I turn to James smirk at him.  " from the smirk I saw earlier, I take it you got Vesemir's  message"  he chuckles and pulls me into a hug.                                          " He explained everything. Come , dinner is served."
I smile then freeze
       " Crap."
Totally forgot about Jaskier. " I picked up a companion along the way. He's been .......helpful"  I tell James. He crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow. " You know the rules. "
I sigh "yeah I know but please make an exception this once. He's my friend. " he runs a hand down his face in exasperation. " He's a bard..." I say in a sing song voice. Knowing there's a few musicians amongst them.

" that's low Rafe." He grumbles at me.  I chuckle and yell over my shoulder. " Jaskier! It's safe to come out!!!!!" He steps out from behind the piller and gulps. 

" Come on Jase. They won't hurt you." He moves towards me .
" So your the Bard?" Asks James.
" Yes I'm Jaskier the Bard."  He slaps a hand to Jaskier's shoulder.
" then any friend to Rafe is a friend to us. Come you must be hungry."

He pulls us towards the table. I pull away , watching as my second family welcomes Jaskier. I smile and then look up towards the rafters. I see blue eyes glowing in the darkness. I cross my arms and stare at him. We don't break eye contact until I'm called by James . I whisper to him
" you and I have unfinished business."
Knowing he heard me I move to the table filled with food , enjoying the company of friends I hadn't seen in so long. I feel his eyes on me throughout the evening. But I'm not worried. He's a friend and the one who saved my life.

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