| Them As Things I've Heard At My New School |

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Luis Mendoza

"We are not baking the cat."

Dean Portman

"Ooh someone's moody today."

Charlie Conway

"Imagine being depressed. Lol. Couldn't relate."

Guy Germaine

"How did you sprain your ankle?" "I fell out of a bathroom window." "You fell out of a bathroom window?" "....Yes."

Kenny Wu

"Yes. This is my child."

Dwayne Robertson


Fulton Reed

"I don't think she wants to see you twerking."

Jesse Hall

"What musicals have you been in?" (I asked a seventh grader) "Oh I've been in- (continues to list off musicals for an obnoxiously long time)."

Russ Tyler

"Be quiet children or I'll pluck out your eyelashes."

Adam Banks

"Dang. Teslas are cheap."

A/N: I honestly have heard so many crazier things, but I couldn't remember most of them, so I've decided I'm starting a document to record them all.

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