Chapter 9

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I smiled watching Melody running into my arms. It's my turn to keep her. I was also dropping Toni off a few thousands.

"Papa." She yelled. I quickly scooped her up when she ran into my arms.

"Hi Mel." I smiled, taking her backpack from her. Toni came up to me with a glare. Here we fucking go.

"My money." She held out her hand. I slid a stack of money in her hands. "Also why is Melody telling me you be gone at all hours of the night."

Lately I've been working late with Romani. Sometimes that leads to sex so I'm gone for a couple hours. Toni knows I work late though, and usually doesn't care.

"She has a babysitter that lives right next door. I have to work, Toni, plus I always come back as soon as I can." I said putting Mel in the car.

"You don't fucking work at night everyday David. If you fucking some bitch just say that." She whispered. "Or a nigga." She smirked. I knew she ain't give a fuck.

"Man gone with that shit." I glared.

"Hey I'm not being funny or mean. How is it going with the mystery guy?" She gave me a genuine smile. I gave her a long look before sighing.

"It's going good." I sighed. She let out an awe and smiled. "But he's not my nigga, we're just fucking."

"I'm not knocking ya game playa. Gon get you some dick." She smiled.

"Fuck you bro." I walked around to get in my car. She waved and smiled.


"Okay Melody, daddy made dinner and this time I think it's going to taste good." I smiled, setting the chicken down with some broccoli and mashed potatoes. "I even made dessert." I pointed over to the cake. It looked a little lopsided but it's still edible.

"Alright daddy." She smiled "Are you mad at me for telling mommy?" She said before eating the chicken. She looked worried the whole car ride back to my place. Now I know why.

"No baby of course not. Mommy should know that daddy works a lot." I shrugged. She doesn't need to worry about that shit considering her momma doesn't.

She gave me a huge smile before taking a small piece of chicken into her mouth. She chewed it slowly before nodding her head.

"It's good daddy." She laughed. "Who made this?" She asked, taking some more bites.

"Me. A friend did help." I laughed.

Romani is the one who taught me how to make this food. A few nights ago I went to see him and like usual we got into an argument.


I knocked on Romani's door waiting for his silly ass to answer. One of his neighbors saw me and thought it would be a good idea to talk to me.

"Hey I've seen you here before." He said to get my attention. I turned around and saw some white guy. He was tall but looked skinny and his skin was pale.

"Yeah," I nodded, turning back around and knocking on the door again.

"You live in one of the apartments?" He asked. I turned back around with a glare.


"That's too bad." He smirked. I clenched my fist. This nigga is flirting with me and I don't like it. I don't think I'm attracted to him.

Before I could say anything else the door opened. As soon as the door opened Romani stood behind me and wrapped me in his arms.

"He's mine Tyler. Get the fuck on." The guy blushed before hurrying away. I watched until he was down the hall to turn towards Romani. I gave him a quick kiss.

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