Chapter 20:The CD

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george pov

before dinner i went to get a snack in the kitchen and saw clays arms wrapped around y/n. i quickly walked out and told sapnap. "sapnap sapnap!" I whisper out at him. "what?" he asked back. "ok I just walking into the kitchen and do you know what I saw?" "uh no you saw it not me" "uh ok rude but y/n was cooking and clay had his arms around her waist!" "what?!" "yeah!" "are they dating or is he just joking with her" "I don't know?!" "ok were asking clay tonight" 

"GUYS DINER" I hear y/n yell down the hallway. "coming!" sap yells down the hall. we get up and head out. clay was bringing in the food. we finished diner pretty quickly. "we should do something fun tonight" y/n said.  "what about watching a movie." sap said quickly. "yeah sure. you guys go set it up ill finish cleaning up" she said. "alright" clay said. "I can grab yours guys plates in then ill help out with the movie set up" "ok thanks clay" I said handing him my plate.

clay pov

I brought the plates into the kitchen for y/n. "you should be helping the guys" she said seeing Me walk in. "I know I know" I said. i put the plates down and grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me. i cupped her cheek and kissed her. she put her arms around my neck deepening the kiss. a couple seconds later we pulled away.  "ok I probably should go help the guys" I said. "ok" she kissed my cheek.  

i walked out to go help the guy and they had mostly finished. i grabbed a couple blankets and throw them on the couch. y/n finished and came out with popcorn and sweets. "y/n where was all that stuff?" sap asked. "the cabnet" y/n said "why?" "just wondering. we ready to watch movies" "yeah!" i was sitting down on the couch.y/n had put the food down so i grabbed her waist and pulled her down onto my lap. she tensed a bit until i put my head on her shoulder and kissed her neck. sap and George looked at me and i started blushing a bit more. i laid down pulling y/n down with me. i could here her laughing a bit.i buried my head into her neck. george and sap finally sat down and turned on the avengers. 

around half an hour into the movie George and sap fell asleep. she nudged me a bit while telling me she had to grab something. i let her go. she walked over to her bag which she hasn't unpacked yet and grabbed something. i was a bag with a couple small packages. "I meant to give this to you when you were leaving the UK" she said handing me the package. i opened the package and it was a picture of the two of us. i looked up at her and stood up. i put my hands on her waist and pulled her into my chest giving her a huge hug. "i love it" i said. "thank you. 

george pov

i woke up to hearing someone ripping open wrapping paper. i looked over and y/n was watching clay open something. he looked at it and looked up at her. she stood up and pulled her into a huge. "i love it thanks" he said. i looked at the table what she gave him. it was a picture of the two of them. she had a bag in her hand. "i have some for those two as well but i just remembered them." she said as they got of the hug. she grabbed the two other packages out of  the bag and put on the table near me and one near sap. "i got them the four of us when they moved in. i really hope they like them" she said nervously. "hey they'll love them" clay said looking at his picture. she sat down next to him and he put his arm around her shoulder. they watched the movie for a bit longer. "they are asleep we should probably turn of- oh" he said looking at her with a smile. he laid her down on the couch and put a blanket on her.

"George i know your awake your not very sneaky" clay said looking at me. "really? i thought i was doing good" i said looking at him. "well you weren't" he said laughing a bit. "ok well since I'm up i have a question" i asked sitting up, "yeah sure" "whats up between you and y/n?" i asked. "oh um" he said scrating the back of his neck."well uh after i yknow kissed her i sorta stood there for a second while you guys walked inside. she say me standing there and ran back to get me. i asked what we were and she told me if i was asking her to be my girl friend i actually had to ask her. so i did and well she said yes." "really!" "yeah". he laid down next to her and we talked for a little bit longer. 

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