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It's monday again. San went back to being the quiet kid and only talking to Mingi, and Wooyoung went back to his normal loud, dancer self with Yeosang. It was like that weekend never happened at all.

"Okayyyy. So how was everyone's weekends?" San's teacher asked looking at him. He knows that San never talks, but still tries to make the boy talk. "San, why don't you share your weekend with us?" He said in a firm, but nice tone. The called out boy was being stared at by multiple people, but just shook his head and shrugged. "It wasn't an offer. You need to speak sometime, San. Your participation marks are going to be lowered if you don't participate with class discussions." San immediately sat up and cleared his throat. "My weekend was great. I spent friday night at Hongjoong hyung's house with the rest of my dance crew and spent saturday night at Yeosang hyung's house with Wooyoung. There. That's my weekend."

Everyone was shocked to see how confidently the boy started talking as soon as he was told his grades would go down. "S-San, I wasn't expecting that." San smirked. "You threatened to change something I care about. I'm not going to let you have that power. You see I don't keep quiet because I want to, I keep quit because I choose to observe and listen carefully."

Wooyoung has this same class with San, but he is sitting in his assigned seat on the other side of the room. He was also very shocked about how easy it was to make the older talk. Threaten something he loved.

"Class dismissed!" The teacher yelled after the bell rang. Wooyoung waited for San and then they walked to the dance room that they meet their crew in. They walked in and San started yelling. "I did it! I talked in front of people!" Wooyoung giggled at the cute action of the other and went to go change.

"So we'll be doing dance duets. We will cover songs and post them on our Instagram. Seonghwa will pick the groups." Hongjoong announced to the team. Seonghwa listed the pairs. Jongho and Yeosang, Mingi and Yunho, San and Wooyoung and Seonghwa and Hongjoong. Wooyoung was about to make a joke about the two eldest being paired, but remembered that he promised to keep his mouth shut.

The groups went off and started discussing the songs they will cover. Almost immediately, they saw Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho and Mingi stand up at the exact same time. Mingi started dancing some moves from BTS' song 'Idol'. Wooyoung pouted, as that was his favourite song. But he knew that there were other songs he could dance to. "Wooyoungie, how about we dance to 'Fake Love' by BTS?" San asked in a soft tone. Wooyoung's heart fluttered, hearing the older address him as Wooyoungie. "U-uh, sure! We can do that." San smiled and grabbed the boy by his hands to lift him up.

Wooyoung put on the music and they both started dancing to the song. "I'M SO SICK OF THIS FAKE LOVE, FAKE LOVE, FAKE LOVE!" Wooyoung screamed, San chuckles at the screaming boy and continued dancing.

They got to one of the parts where the dancers have to look each other in the eyes, and that's when Wooyoung messed up. He and San made eye contact, and he got lost in the older's dark eyes. He lost balance and fell to the ground, which worried San. "Wooyoung, what happened?" He asked while helping the other up. 'I got lost in your beautiful eyes' he thought to himself. "Um. I was just daydreaming." San sighed in relief and went back to practicing the choreography to 'Fake Love'.


Guess who got #writersblock while writing this and can't think of a better way to end the chapter than at this spot here??


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