Chapter 20: Abandoned Hospital (4)

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This feeling of finding something closely related to himself made Cheng Zhi Chu's scalp go numb and it also made him feel uncomfortable. He told Bai Yi and the others about the office and after they nodded their heads in acknowledgement, they proceeded down the right corridor.

The light from the flashlight illuminated the interior of the corridor. It was narrow and dark and the area ahead that was not illuminated by the flashlight was pitch black. The windows and doors on both sides were all boarded shut and could not be opened. The walls on both sides were soaking wet and water dripped down from the sides causing many parts of it to flake.

"Drip. "

A drop of water fell onto the older twin Meng Ke's face. She reached out and wiped it off while subconsciously looking up to the ceiling. She was confused about why there was so much water here.

She directed her flashlight up and could only see a white roof stained with wet patches. It looked like the water had leaked down from upstairs.

After this place had been abandoned for so many years, the water and electricity would have also long stopped being supplied so it couldn't be a leaking water pipe. 

Then this water....... where on earth did it come from?

Meng Ke had some doubts. She removed her hand and, as the palm of her hand crossed her line of sight, she saw a bright red color along with a faint bloody smell.

With a 'thud ' her heart dropped. She carefully took another look at her palm. That blood-like stain on her hand had disappeared and it was just a wet water stain left from wiping her face earlier. 

Did she see wrong?

What the hell is this.....

Meng Ke felt more and more uneasy. She rubbed the palm of her hand and turned around to seek comfort from her sister. But when she turned around to look at her sister Meng Xin, she was horrified to find that her sister's face and body was covered in blood. A pair of white eyes stared directly at her and she smiled exposing hundreds of maggots writhing around inside.

"Splat. "

The maggots fell to the ground and shrived up their slender bodies to form a ball. It looked extremely disgusting.

"Big sister...... "

Under the Meng Ke's horrified look, the young girl smiled and slowly reached out to her. The corners of her mouth grew wider and wider as both her skin and clothes gradually melted like a candle and blood spewed out. Her internal organs were revealed and with a "clatter ", her eyeballs and teeth fell to the ground.


Meng Ke shuddered and she opened her mouth with horror. She found it difficult to accept that her sister had become like this.

She slowly retreated backwards but the young girl continued to approach her. With every step, the flesh on her body would "plop " onto the floor like mud and the small maggots would writhe around the rotten flesh making soft squelching sounds.

"Do-Don't come over!"

Meng Ke screamed. At the same time, because she was blinded by fear, she didn't stop to think about why the others weren't around or take out her weapons. All she was left with was complete and utter fear as the young girl's maggot infested eye sockets were reflected in her eyes.

She didn't pay attention to the ground and she stepped onto something as she took another step back. Unable the maintain her balance, she collapsed to the ground and couldn't get up again because she was trembling so violently.

I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games by 啾咪啾咪兔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat