2.Demon Hunters Camp

Start from the beginning

Rick:"I'll wash your cuts and bruises to avoid any infection, I'll try not to scrub hard so not to sting you"

Y/N:"ok and thanks for the help"

Sonia:"let me know if the water is to hot for you" I as I was lightning the fire with my magic from below for the bath tub.

Y/N:"don't worry, it's perfectly fine" I said as felt my aura and nerves being at ease from the warm water as Rick continues to wash scrub my hair and digging through my hair.

Simon:"hey, brought some new clothes for him. I'm sure these will suit him well" I said as I gave Sonia some navy blue jeans with a black leather belt, a white tank top, a red t shirt, white sock and a pair of black boots.

Sonia:"thank you Simon"

In the medical tent

Y/N:after getting dressed I was taken to Cal so he could patch me up.

Simon:"how did you hurt yourself this badly? If you don't mind my asking" I said as I inspected his whole body.

Y/N:"most of my bruises I got yesterday from fighting some guards and when slipped down a hill, the cuts were mostly from when I ran past some branches and bushes from last night"

Cal:"your wrists and ankles are completely red too, are these from shackles?"

Y/N:"yeah pretty much"

Cal:"well, I can heal your bruises and cuts in a jiffy, but there's not much I can do for your ankles and wrist except bandage them up and give them time. I'll even check for any meds to deal with the pain"

Y/N:"sounds good, thanks"

By the campfire

Y/N:after I get dressed into my new clothes Rick and Sonia help me get to the bonfire we're we sit on some logs and Bob in stirring the pot, pouring some curry on a bowl.

Bob:"here you go lad, you must be famine" I said with a grin as I hand him a steaming bowl.

Y/N:"oh yes, thank you" I kindly take the bowl from him as I quickly started eating. *munching* *gulp*

Kyle:I watched him as he completely devours the bowl. Wow, he sure is hungry. He finished that bowl in a few minutes, has he not eaten in a while?

Y/N:I finished eating as put the bowl and spoon down as I bow my head with both my hands together."thank you so much for the meal! And for your help, all of you! I'm in your debt forever!"

Kyle:"hahahaha! No worries, my boy! Consider it a friendly gesture!"

Bob:"here, if your still hungry then don't be afraid to ask for seconds. I made a lot of this curry and we've been having it for days now." I said as I hand him another bowl.

Y/N:"thank you" I said as I started eating this one more slowly.

Sonia:"hey, incase we haven't been formally introduced, my name is Sonia. I specialize in potion and chemistry magic"

Rick:"I'm her husband Rick, I'm pretty good with plant magic and in navigating on where we go"

Cal:I'm Cal, I'm a doctor so I specialize in healing magic and I also like to rely on normal medical supplies"

Simon:"I'm Simon, I can do illusion magic and even help keep track on our inventory"

Bob:"I'm Bob, I don't really know any magic spells or abilities, but I'm really good in combat and I'm skilled with a big hammer. Also I cook meals for this group all the time as a chef"

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