The Party pt.4 2/2

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You and Alex step outside to see practically everyone surrounded by beverages.

Either half-full or empty.

Niki: Y/N! Lets play ping-pong!!!

Niki: I'm really good at it!

Y/N: Alright then you're on!

After five rounds, you're already feeling a little tipsy...

Ranboo: Isn't Y/N 19?

Alex: Yep...

Ranboo: And you're 20...

Alex: Yeah

Ranboo: Aren't we breaking the law for letting Y/N drinking?

Alex: Yep...

Ranboo: ALEX!

Alex: What!?

Ranboo: Go do something!

Alex: But she looks like she's having fun though...

Alex: I don't want to ruin that.

Ranboo: *sighs*

Clay: Yeah...

Clay: And you shouldn't, let me tell you why.

Alex: Don't start grandpa

Ranboo: Pfttt nice one dude

Clay: Alright Alex look I didn't do anything to her.

Alex: *scoffs* I don't believe you man

Clay: Didn't Y/N tell you?

Alex: That you didn't do anything?

Clay: Uh yeah?

Alex: You are such an asshole Clay.

Clay: Why me?

*Alex walks away*

Clay: Alex *grabs his shoulder and turns him around*

Alex punches him in the face

Ranboo: WOAH! DUDE!

George: CLAY!

Alex: You stay the hell away from her.

Clay punches him back and Alex goes down to the ground...

Y/N: *gasps* Alex!

You run to him

Alex: Oh f-ck...

Y/N: Are you okay?

Clay: Y/N...

George pushes Clay away

Clay: Get off me Georgie

George: Clay you're drunk. Stop it.

Y/N: Ranboo help me pick up Alex

Ranboo: Okay.

Meanwhile George and Clay

George takes Clay upstairs to his room.

Clay: Georgie... did I do the right thing?

George: What? No? Alex is our friend or well... used to be your friend...

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