22 Messages

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"You wake up to 22 messages on your phone"

"What The F-ck." You said

*You see there are 11 messages from Alex and 11 messages from Clay.*

"Oh sh!t which one do I open first"

*You open Alex's messages first*

Alex <3

Hey sorry abt last night I was just kinda pissed off bc of you know dream but text me back when you can.

Hey do you want to play some minecraft with me and Tommy?

Or we can just play together and I can kick Tommy out lmao

Its up to you

Are u mad at me or something?




Are u doing sum rn?

Are u showering or sleeping?

Goodnight <3

"Oh my f-ck I feel bad, let me text him back"


SORRY! I was sleeping the whole day just I got no sleep bc I was editing a vid

Alex <3 

Oh? but you didn't post anything 


I fell asleep half-way sorry heh

Alex <3 

oh alr but uh wanna play minecraft later on?


Yeah sure!

Alex <3 

alr ttyl



"Now dream's text"


Hey srry abt last night

"What the hell he texting me so early, does this bitch not sleep"

I was just tired and I just let loose bc yk I was tired lol

Im srry if I made u uncomfortable or anything

But do u want to play later on like around 3?

It's ok if u don't want to but yk I want to

So think abt it?

And uh ur prob sleeping so text me when u wake up

just yeah

Or if u want I can ask George and sap if u want don't want to play with me alone

Ur choice really

Goodmorning lmao or night

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