The Party pt.4 1/2

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Alex: What the f-ck happened?

Y/N: Uh- um...

What do I do?

What do I say?

Tell the truth? Or lie so he won't get in trouble? He should, however, be held accountable...

Alex: Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah?

Alex: What happened out there? What did Clay do?

Alex: Do I have to throw hands? Like I've been working out, I could put this to use-

Y/N: *chuckles* No uh it was nothing.

Y/N: Let's just go outside and party *smiles*

Alex: You're sure?

Y/N: Yeah! *You stand up* 

*Alex stands up too*

He grabbed your hand as you were about to walk outside.

Alex: Y/N...

Y/N: Oh yeah?

Alex: I want to be a good boyfriend so did anything hap-

You kiss him...

He returns the kiss and cups your cheek.

You do some tongue action

He does the same...

He breaks the kiss and hugs you. 

Alex: Wanna go somewhere private?

Y/N: I would-


Jack: Hey Y/N come here!!!

Alex and Y/N look back and groan

Alex looks at you again and says "maybe later..." He lets go of your hands.

Alex looks at you and says "maybe later..." He lets go of your hands.


I'm sorry guys school has really been killing me with lots of tests, quizzes, and essays but I do try to make the time to continue typing these stories. I already have then written I just need to type them up.

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