With a nervous smile, I nodded slowly leaning back in the chair. Peyton reached for Parker and suddenly was in the pool with him and his brother. "Cold!" I heard him shriek and laugh at the same time. 

"Momma get in!" Luke yelled still clinging onto Parker's head tightly. 

"Oh no, angel. I'll pass!" 

"But Momma! More fun!"

Parker didn't hesitate in mimicking my son. "Yes Momma! More Fun!" 

I raised an eyebrow at him with a mock glare on my face. "Sorry boys, but I'll pass. I don't have the suitable clothes." I looked down at my jeans and white blouse in indication. 

"Excuse me Mrs. Elle," James, who has been the most amazing butler ever (well the only one I ever had), came and took my attention away from Parker who were playing with my sons. 

I gave him a warm smile. "Yes James?"

"Sir Caleb came unexpectedly. He is waiting inside the house."  

"Ah, thank you. I'll be there shortly," I nodded at him sending him away and back into the house. Turning towards the pool, I informed Parker on what James has told me.

"Well quite unexpected. I don't recall inviting him over."

I shrugged my shoulders as confused as him. "I'll go see what they need."

Brushing off any excess dirt on my pants, I made my way through the doors and into the ever-clean living room thanks to James. The couch was occupied with two people with their backs turned towards me. I recognized Caleb, of course, but James never mentioned a second guest coming over. 

"Caleb," I greeted him with a smile standing right next to the couch they were on. "I wasn't expecting your visit with..." I turned to the lady who was now standing also looking over the place with her wandering eyes. "Heidi. What a double surprise."

"Sorry it's last minute," Caleb muttered to my ear standing up. "I came to speak with Parker about some company issues, and Heidi wanted to tag along. I couldn't get rid of her."

I stifled in my laughter and nodded. "Hey Heidi."

Heidi finally brought her attention towards me with a forced smile upon her face. "Elena, right?"

"Eleanor or Elle," I corrected kindly eyeing her as she did the same to me. She was beautiful as always with her lovely shade of brown locks cascading down her back and shoulders. "What prompted the visit?"

"I'm here with Caleb to talk to Parker about some company things," Heidi replied. "Of course you wouldn't know what those things are seeing you're not part of the company."

"Actually it was only I who needed to-" Caleb denied from beside me. 

"I also thought this is the perfect opportunity to see where Parker now resides," the uppity woman in front of me interrupted. "A very different change from his bachelor pad. I'm sure there are many exciting places where you guys could do the deed." Heidi gave me a knowing look. "I'm sure you've enjoyed those as much as I-."

"Alright, Heidi," Caleb saved me from the humiliation that was about to come. "That's enough." 

Thankfully, the back doors opened and in came a damp Parker, Peyton, and Luke. My sons were both in his arms laughing uncontrollably to who knows what. 

"Caleb, Heidi," Parker greeted them with his dazzling smile while putting my sons down. "Go on and change in your room." I heard him whisper to them.

As they scurried off with shy looks at the guests, I playfully smacked their bums. "Wait for me before you hit the shower!"

"What are you guys doing here?" Parker asked pulling on the dry shirt James brought him. He walked over beside me snaking his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I slid up closer enjoying the warmth he emanated even if he just came from the pool.

"I have to talk business with you Parker, as the new CEO," Caleb explained before sneaking a peek at Heidi, "and the little child just tagged along."

"Child," Heidi scoffed, "as if. I just wanted to see Parker's new place."

Caleb rolled his eyes and replied in a sarcastic tone, "Oh I'm sorry, not a child, but a stalker."

I tried to stifle in my laughter but failed and ended up receiving an icy glare from the stalker. "I'm part of the company. I think I have a right to know what business deals are going on."

"Your father is part of the business," Caleb sighed irritated, "not you yourself."

"Alright that's enough," Parker stopped the banter between the two. "Heidi, it's fine if you stay." I spotted Heidi's triumphant face directed at Caleb to which he shrugged off. "What are the matters needing to be discussed?"

"We might as well have a sit in your office," Parker's friend said. "It's quite a long conversation."

"Alright, I'll just change out of these shorts and meet you there." I stayed behind hoping to start a conversation with the friend I made in Caleb and also to get to know Heidi more. Maybe my impression of her could change with a proper conversation. "Come with me." Parker's hand tugged mine and pulled me right behind him and into our bedroom.

"Don't tell me you need any help changing," I teased him after I closed the bedroom door behind us. "My boys could change by themselves." With a thought I added, "They don't put them on exactly right, but they know how."

Parker turned around taking the used-to-be dry shirt, which was now damp just from wearing it for a few minutes, off his body. "What is Heidi doing here?" I did my best at keeping myself from ogling his body. After several nights of sleeping with him shirtless, I should be used to it by now. Although I wasn't.

I gave him a bewildered look. "Like I would know?" Walking past him and into the bathroom, I took off the towel hanging from the hook. "She was your ex girlfriend, you have more connection to her. In many ways." I added as the last thought popped into my head which I shouldn't have. 

"She was never my girlfriend," Parker replied frustratedly while catching the towel I threw at him. "I told you that at the party."

Shrugging, I walked out of the bathroom with him hot on my heels. "Oh I'm sorry. Your sex buddy." I turned around to see the unreadable expression on his face. I flashed him a smile before continuing. "No worries. It was the past right?" I made it seem like I could care less about his past relationships, but I knew I couldn't fool myself and especially him. 

Parker grabbed me by my hips, pulling me right onto his freshly dried chest. "Good, because there is nothing to worry about her or my past." He growled before crashing his smooth lips onto mine. 

I responded right away by wounding my arms around his neck and pulling him closer this time. It felt so right kissing him; it came naturally to me. Our lips molded against each other perfectly like they were made for each other. I opened my mouth finally giving him the access he wanted. Parker's hands tightened around my waist hitching me up into his arms. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs just above his hip bones, so I wouldn't fall. Not that I needed to since he had his arms tightly around me.

I felt him walk until he stopped at the edge of the bed. I pulled my lips away from him momentarily to catch my breath. His lips, however, didn't leave my skin. He kissed around my jaw until finding the spot where my shoulder and neck met. 

"Parker..." I breathed out. "Maybe we should stop."

"Stop?" He murmured against my skin, slowly grazing his lips back up to the corner of my lips. "My mind's not registering that word."

"Parker." I pulled his head away from mine even though it was very difficult not to. "Caleb and Heidi are waiting for you."

With a sigh, Parker gently threw me on the bed with a glinting smile on his face. I laughed propping myself on my two elbows. "It's a good thing they're here or else I wouldn't have a reason to stop." He turned his back and headed into the bathroom.

My smile faltered as he left. I knew Parker wasn't the type of man who forces himself onto women. I didn't know that for sure, but I trusted him. Maybe that was my problem. I trust people too easily. I thought as I heard the faint humming of the shower starting. 

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