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Author: Nananana~ enjoy my little darlings~♡


Katsuki's mind went blank when he caught sight of the person coming out into the large clearing, the other monsters ambushing him glaring and seething at him in distaste or anger.

Katsuki gasped loudly catching the attention of Shouto who frowned at him.

"You okay?"

Katsuki didn't hear him as he quickly stood up, his eyes wide in disbelief.



"Oh my god" Katsuki said his eyes glued to the person in the clearing. "It really is him, I'd recognize that mop everywhere"

"Uh, who?" Shouto asked next to him, his eyes scanning Katsuki's face. Katsuki turned to him.

"Do you have more of those solid matter crystals with you?"

Shouto frowned before he nodded and took out a handful out of his pocket. "Yeah, I got a few from my friend, why?"

Katsuki didn't answer him as he quickly swiped one and swallowed it before running on solid air like he was going down steps towards the open clearing. Shouto just shrugged as he slipped the crystals back into his pocket and hummed as he started eating his soba flavored chips again.

He stopped right on the edge where a few upperclassmen and the announcer sat.

Katsuki ignored everyone around him as he stared at the figure in green and black that was only standing a few feet infront of him now with his back turned to Katsuki.

Katsuki didn't have the time to call out to him as he suddenly disappeared before he reappeared in the middle of his opponents.

"I really don't have time for this" Katsuki heard Izuku say in a monotone his voice sounding extremely hoarse before he opened a large black portal throwing all his aponents into it before he closed it and opened another identical one.

Katsuki watched with wide eyes when Izuku summoned a large Black and red Demon Hound.

Izuku stared at the Large Hound that was twice his size, and Izuku was pretty huge himself. The Hound lowered his head infront of Izuku, lolling it's large black tongue out like a docile puppy.

"You feel like playing?" Izuku asked the large Hound to which the Hound just lowered its upper body to the ground and let out a thundering bark that practically shook the entire school while it wagged its three tails around.

Izuku seemed pleased as he gave the Hound a pat on its head before he gestured to the portal. "Go have fun" he said and immediately the Hound bounded off into the portal. Izuku made the portal vanish right after multiple screams were heard from the inside.

"A-AND IZUKU MIDORIYA TAKES THE WIN AGAIN!" The announcer said as he wiped sweat from his brow.

The crowd went wild as Izuku turned towards them and rolled his eyes before he walked in Katsuki's direction.

Katsuki huffed and folded his arms.
"Finally noticed me huh nerd" Katsuki said but was stunned to silence when Izuku didn't give him so much as a glance as he walked passed him.

"What the fuck?" Katsuki asked aloud as he turned to watch Izuku before he growled and yanked on the greenettes wrist. "Hey!"

Katsuki's breath hitched as Izuku turned and stared him down, his green eyes dark and emotionless.

Katsuki snapped his mouth closed and glared heatedly at Izuku, staring straight into his cold eyes. "What the fuck do you think you're doing just walking past me like I'm some goddamn extra"

Izuku turned his body till he fully faced Katsuki and frowned deeply before he glared down at his wrist that was still firmly held by Katsuki.
Katsuki snapped his hand back.

"I'm sorry" Izuku started, his voice dark and hoarse, like someone who hasn't spoken in years. "Do I know you?"

Katsuki's eyes widened and he took a step back. Staring at Izuku in disbelief. "What?"

"HEY! Bakubro!" Katsuki heard the loud voice of the dragon hybrid breaking the silence between them and before Katsuki could say anything more, Izuku disappeared into thin air leaving a trail of black smoke behind.

"Ah...that guy.." Kirishima said as he finally reached Katsuki along with the rest of the gang.

"You know him?" The Cupid asked Katsuki with a frown as she clung to her forest nymph girlfriend.

Katsuki clenched his fists as he stared at the scorched spot where Izuku was a few ago. "Thought I did" He said softly as he took a deep breath and turned to the peanut gallery infront of him, his eyes immediately found the dual colored ones of the dreameater.

"Is he the friend you were talking about?" Katsuki asked him making Shoto stare at him quizzically.

"What? No, of course not," He said before he sighed and pulled out a few dark blue crystals, Katsuki recognized them as High level stealth crystals made purely by positive energy. "It's my brother's, he gives them to me sometimes, he gets it from a friend of his"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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