My Monster Academia ~♡ // ONE

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Author : I read Manga and came up with this idea, I hope you enjoy~♡

Katsuki hummed softly as he got out of his warm shower and swiftly used a soft spell to dry himself and change into his school uniform. A black button down shirt with a dark velvet black overcoat with gold and red trimmings and black trousers. He had his favorite black Vans on his feet.

Katsuki's red eyes glared into his reflection before his reflection in his mirror suddenly smirked tauntingly and folded its arms in amusement. Katsuki just rolled his eyes.

"Hmm, we look good in this new uniform don't we? Much better than the last school's pastel colors," His reflection said making a disgusted face as he shuddered like he saw something truly horrible before his expression turned smug again as he held his hand on his hip and looked at his freshly manicured nails. "It totally clashed with our image and I'm glad it's gone now, I don't even know how they could call that a Monster school!"

Katsuki sighed as he gave his reflection an incredulous look. "It wasn't, it was a human public school"

"Ew..." His reflection said making a disguted face yet again, Katsuki snorted before he frowned.

"Don't frown! You're gonna give us wrinkles!" Katsuki's reflection bitched at him with a heated glare while glossing it's lips a pretty glossy red.

"Oh fuck off!" Katsuki snarled at it before he folded is arms and stared it dead in the eyes. " know this school is gonna be different from any other school we've been to...this...this is a Monster school..."

His reflection rolled it's eyes. "I'm not stupid you fuck, I know because unlike you, I'm flexible to changes whether it be small of're the one that's getting worked up over it"

Kagsuki smirked. "Well if you're so comfortable with it, why are your hands twitching and shaking so much?" He asked his reflection tauntingly.

His reflection gasped, offended. "I can't help it when your emotions reflect onto me you bastard! You aught to know that I reflect your true and pure emotion, I'm basically your better half you fuck"

Katsuki huffed and rolled his eyes as he grabbed his back pack from the end of his bed and threw the essentials in it. He slipped his phone into his overcoat pocket and slipped some cherry gum too along with his healing and repelling crystals.

Katsuki spared one last glance over his neat and tidy room before he swallowed a teleportation crystal and appeared in the kitchen, too lazy to walk there himself, and even more because their house was so freakishly big.

"Jesus Fuck Katsuki!" His mother Screeched when he suddenly appeared behind her at the fridge. She glared at him and slapped him upside the head making Katsuki glare back at her with a groan.

"What the hell Hag!?"

"What did I say about spells in the house!? Do you never listen!?" She said with fury in her eyes. "What If one of the maids saw you huh?"

Katsuki just rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to dear, everyone forgets sometimes" Katsuki's father, Masaru said with a soft smile in their direction. Mitsuki, Katsuki's mother just huffed at him.

"You need to stop taking is side in everything Masaru! He's gonna turn into more of an insufferable brat!"

Katsuki groaned as he opened the fridge and took out an ice cold blood bag as well as some mixed berry flavored water.

Kagsuki ignored his parents as he popped a straw into the top of the blood bag and quickly took a sip, closing his eyes in bliss when the velvety metallic flavor exploded on his tongue. The icy cold feeling also helped his nerves wash away slightly.

"So, you're nervous then?" Masaru inquiries softly at his son while Katsuki snapped his eyes open and glared at him.

Mitsuki snorted as she folded her arms and stared at Katsuki. "You usually drink cold blood when you're nervous Katsuki, we're your parents brat, did you really think we wouldn't catch up on your habits and quirks yet?"

Katsuki just grunted as he took larger gulps and made sure he got every last drop before he quickly threw the empty blood bag away into a special little portal bin they kept in the kitchen to evade the suspicion from their human helpers and maids.

Katsuki didn't waste any time as he washed away the metallic blood that still lingered on his tongue with the flavored water. The mixed berries tasting Devine on his tongue. He only finished half of the water before he screwed the cap back on and glared at his parents as he put the water back in the fridge.

"Just leave me alone and I'm not fucking nervous!" Katsuki said in a growl as he quickly picked up a few teleportation crystals from the batch that was on the kitchen table.

Since they look like decorative pebbles and marbles his mother didn't mind leaving them in different bowls around the house.

"If you insist on teleporting to the school do it at the back Katsuki, we really can't risk another maid. If they report more missing people the police is gonna become suspicious" Masaru said softly to which Katsuki nodded with a huff.

"Oh so you listen to your father but not me? What the fuck brat!?" Mitsuki raged while Masaru laughed softly.

Katsuki scoffed at Mitsuki. "Oh fuck off you Hag!"

Katsuki spared one last glance at his parents before he stumbled towards the backyard throwing a "Later loosers" over his shoulder at his parents.

Katsuki hummed softly as he got out to backyard and closed the sliding door behind him. He walked till he was right in the middle of their large backyard and quickly swallowed a teleportation crystal with his new Monster school in his mind. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He felt a soft sweet smelling wind circle around him, making his hair ruffle before his stomach dropped and he let out a soft gasp as he opened his eyes and huffed when he saw a large black gate in front of him, large gold letters at the top of the gate spelling UA.




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😈 : lucky charm of the day/night~

My Demon Academia ~♡ (BAKUdeku)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя