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In the last full month of summer, the heat was drawing to a close. Azure blue skies began clouding up into a thick grey blanket, leaving pockets of the sun rays raining down onto the humble home by the hills of Ottery St Catchpole. The houses around the village were all different and unique in their ways— a crooked house with five chimleys perched on top of the vibrant red roof which had belonged to the Weasley Family, a castle-like house that resembles a rook in a chess game that was surrounded by strange floating plants where the Lovegood family lived, a Tudor-styled house with massive ivy walls climbing to its roof that belonged to the Fawcett family along with an Edwardian house that is always beaming with its brightness and friendliness nearby, belonging to the Diggory family. Lastly, it was also the village where the Estoileon family's home resides; with neat rows of various plants and herbs planted across the garden and trees that seemed to flourish magically well despite the different seasons, along with beautiful blue roses blooming around the petite cottage home.

There laid a girl by the wooden swing with roses intertwining the frame, her raven black hair swishing with the wind as it graces her with a gentle nudge, quietly rocking the swing back and forth as she fell into a small nap on it. Though just for a single while, she could take her mind off from overthinking or so she thought. It was strange to find even no relief when sleeping since that's what she thought she could have. Yet, most of the time she would wake to find herself even more tired, and more disturbed by what she had dreamt.

Faintly, she could hear her name, muffled out by the person who was calling her in her dream. Two voices simultaneously mixed that didn't belong together, just like water and oil. One was soft and mellow, gentle even, almost as if it was embracing her and the other, cold, low and sinister almost as if it was singing a lullaby that lures you in and hypnotizes you. Even in her dream, she could differentiate the two voices very distinctly. 

When she heard the gentle voice slowly getting louder and closer, the other voice was slowly fading away as she flutters her eyes open, revealing bright golden pupils staring at green ones. She winces as the sunlight slaps down onto her face and she rubs her eyes, still groggy when she was finally awake, the person frowns down upon her, hands on his hips as he glares at her. 

"Oh. Good morning, Aion," she greeted sheepishly as the young lad sighs through his nose before pulling her off the swing. 

"Don't you 'Good morning, Aion' me! I've been looking all over for you!" he scolded.

"Well, our house isn't really that big for you to spot me," the girl replies before earning a flick on the forehead, "Hey!" she exclaimed, protecting her head as she pouted at him.

"Mind you I just started living here," Aion answered back, nudging her along the path ahead that leads to their home.

Aion was finally back to where he had belonged. The home that he had left years ago with his mother, leaving behind his father and precious little sister. It had been a rough couple of weeks, trying to adjust to his life here, but it was something he had missed. The familiarity of this place, the lingering memories that were beginning to resurface. 

He was truly home.

"Must have been tough to get used around here," she commented and Aion gave her the side-eye before shouting to the figure in the distance. 

"Father! Aine's not getting any work done!" 

Aine's eyes widened and she watches as the young man hurriedly dashed on ahead, escaping before she could argue with him. He turned and gave her a mischievous smirk. 

"Jeez, brother! You—!" she huffs, running after him before stopping by her basket of freshly cut roses and picking it up.

When the duo made it back home, a man emerged from the kitchen and pinches the bridge of his nose, "What is it, again?" he asked, watching his two children bicker about for the hundredth time this week. How quick the night changed and they were getting along well, too well until they could quarrel with each other. They were no doubt siblings, indeed.

UNKNOWN | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 4)Where stories live. Discover now