Elena had been avoiding him since that moment in the office. She knew that he knew that it was her that time. But he wasnt positive that the kids were his and she just needed him not to find out. She was in her office working on designs when there was a knock at the door. "Come in."

Rebekah opened the door walking in after the talk with her brother she had she knew she needed to talk to Elena. "Hey, i just wanted to check in i heard you had to leave early the other day because of your daughter is everything alright."

Elena looked up at her she was happy that her daughter was feeling better she hated when they got sick. "She wasn't feeling too well she didn't want to be with my friend so I had to go home."

"Is she doing better?" She assumed she  was if Elena was back at work instead of being at home with her daughter.

"Yeah, now she is." Which she was happy for because she knew how easily the rest of them could get sick.

"That's good." Rebekah nodded slightly she didn't knew she needed to move on to the reason she had actually came down.

Elena could tell that something was bothering her figuring Kol had told her he knew her. "What's wrong?"

"My brother told me that he has met you before?" Which meant that her kids could be his kids.

Elena looked back at her work not wanting to look her in the eye for this she was always trash at lying. "He thinks he has met before there's a difference."

"Really because he sounded sure that he has met you before." And based on what she had heard from her brother it was very plausible. 

"He hasn't." Elena would continue to tell everyone that it just worked better for her that way. 

"Why won't you look at me then?" If she wasn't there then why couldn't she just look at her and say it. Now she knew she was lying. 

Elena looked up at her she really didn't want to have this conversation right now."Huh." 

Rebekah knew that she had gone she had the confirmation already she knew that Elena had gone. And she knew that after they came back from New Orleans they had both found out they were pregnant. "Hayley didn't go to New Orleans Alone and you're her best friend Klaus told me she told them it was you who was with her."

"What's the question?" Elena knew that there was no point in saying she wasn't there they had already figured out that she had. 

As of right now Rebekah didn't have any questions she was going to leave it up to her brother to find out if those were his children. "Just wanted to check on you i know how weird it can be working for someone you've slept with just want to see where your head is at."

She was freaking out nearly every time she brought them and after the moment in the office, the freakout was worse. "I'm fine and people have one-night stands all the time it means nothing."

"Just wanted to check and see." She could see Elena didn't want them to know anything just yet

"I'm fine I promise." Or at least that was what she was going to keep telling herself. 


Elena walked into her house and plopped onto the couch. She was terrified of getting them taken away from her.  "I hate my life."

Hayley walked into the room going to sit on the floor by her. "What's wrong what happened?"

"Rebekah came to my office." She was happy Rebekah hadn't asked about the kids but she didn't like that she now knew too.

"And?" Hayley knew there had to be more to it.

"She asked me if i was the girl in New Orleans, even she is asking." Now she knew that Kol knew as well as Rebekah she didn't like that.

"Oh." Hayley could see her friends' nerves were about shot right now.

Elena nodded she knew that it was going to come up soon enough and that terrified her. "Yeah and you told them that it was me so they know it was me how long before they find out the kids are-"

Hayley cut her off she knew that they were going to find out soon enough and maybe it would be a good thing for the kids. "Maybe you should tell them before they figure it out for themselves."

"No." Elena didn't want them to know it would complicate things more than they already were. 

"Elena don't be difficult." Hayley knew that them knowing was what was best for the kids.

She shook her head sitting up on her elbows to look over at her best friend. "I'm not being difficult but if i tell them then everything is going to change and i think i have already had enough  changes to last a lifetime." She had been through so much change she didn't want to deal with anymore. 

Hayleu sighed she knew that she was right she had been through a lot of change but this change was very much needed. "Fair enough but they deserve to have a father."

"I know i do i swear but I'm not ready." She wasn't ready for this yet she had finally got them to a good routine and this would just change all of that.

"Elena you are going to have to be ready someday." Hayley knew that eventually it had to happen.

"I know."

"Just think it over you are my best friend whatever you want to do I'll follow you i promise."

"Ok. Thank you, Hales." She was happy she had Hayley on her side even if her best friend didn't always agree with her methods.

"Of course Ellie the kids went to sleep early apparently they stayed up on their tablets."

"That doesn't even surprise me at this point." She knew her kids pretty much did their own thing when they weren't bothering her or wanted food.

"I bet."

Rebekah arrived at her brother's penthouse she needed to know that her brother was positive about this. "So you are sure that they are your kids."

"Come look." Rebekah walked over and took pictures of the kids on the table. Kol knew they were his he just wasn't sure what his next move was going to be. "You can't tell me they don't look like me."

"They do. Rebekah had to agree with that they looked like him their was no denying that.


"So you have to try to talk to her again. Obviously, she's scared of something/"

Kol looked to his sister he didn't get what Elena could possibly be scared of. "Scared of what?"

Rebekah knew what she was scared of she was scared that she was going to lose her kids. That was the last thing anymother wanted. "Maybe of losing her kids she has done everything for them it had to be hard."

"I just want her to talk to me." He just needed Elena to give him a few minutes to talk.

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