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A/N: For those of you who don't remember much from when you read the prequel to this book, or for those of you who are just skipping the prequel entirely, here's all you need to know about Accidentally Dating Cedric before jumping into Purposefully Hating Cedric.

After having a fight with her mother and father, Bella storms up to her room and stumbles across a Tiktok video that talks about shifting. She disregards it, thinking it's all fake news, but that night she accidentally shifts and wakes up at the burrow.

Bella starts to become familiar with the Weasley's, Harry, and Hermione, who have also been staying there. Memories from Bella's DR that she didn't even know she had start to resurface, and she recalls being in Slytherin though a lot of her friends are in Gryffindor. They all get on their way towards the port key that will take them to the Quidditch World Cup, but first they meet up with Amos Diggory, and of course, Cedric.

Cedric instantly starts to flirt with Bella, but Bella's apprehensive about flirting back because she's reluctant to fall for someone in a separate reality. She finds out that he's new to Hogwarts this year because the ministry forgot to send out a bunch of the Hogwarts letters in year one, so Cedric only just found out that he's a wizard. Bella eventually gives in to his flirting, deciding that there's no way she can refrain from pursuing Cedric Diggory. On the first day of school, Dumbledore announces that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts that year, but instead of Hogwarts competing against other schools, it will be between all of the Hogwarts houses. Cedric of course wishes to enter, but Bella does everything in her power to try and stop him because she knows what happened in the real Harry Potter books when he entered. She gives him an ultimatum, and feels super guilty for doing so. Amidst her guilt, a memory resurfaces that Voldemort doesn't exist in this reality because he actually died when trying to kill Harry instead of just being fatally wounded. Realizing this, Bella then instantly goes to Cedric and apologizes where they then have their first kiss and Cedric enters himself into the Triwizard Tournament.

Things are going well for awhile, but eventually Bella starts to get fed up because they've been talking for what feels like forever and Cedric still has yet to make her his girlfriend, so some drama ensues there. It's eventually cleared, resulting in them finally becoming official.

The big middle portion of the book from around chapters 25-50 is just filled with the Triwizard Tournament, lots of friend drama, smut, and other things that aren't exactly important for this story.

Around chapter 50, Cedric's ex girlfriend comes to Hogwarts. Cedric tells Bella about how Veronica was manipulative and cheated on him multiple times and that there are absolutely no more feelings for her on his end. However, Cedric slowly starts to become more distant from Bella for an unknown reason, seemingly hanging out more and more with Veronica. He eventually breaks up with Bella, telling her that he doesn't know why he feels such a pull to Veronica, but it's unfair to keep Bella in a relationship with him when his heart is somewhere else. Bella is heart broken, of course, unable to eat or get out of bed for days. This brings all of her Slytherin and Gryffindor friends together as they attempt to help her feel better, whereas previously Bella was constantly having to switch between two different friend groups. Even Draco and Harry start to become friends.

It's eventually revealed that Veronica had put Cedric under a love potion, and she's then expelled and things are back to normal once again.

Cedric wins the Triwizard Tournament, the school year comes to an end, and Bella decides that it's finally time for her to shift back home.


Now, enjoy the sequel, which I promise is a million times better than the first one. Well, at least in my opinion.

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