Chapter One: The Game [1]

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"I'll go." Dizian said with a serious expression yet his eyes sparkles with excitement and joy.

The two looked at each other with a victorious smile as they secretly fist bump with each other.


Time flew quickly, the three was now seen in the street market looking around before crossing.


Dizian who was behind the two, had a sour expression as he looks down at their hands. It has been three months yet he still can't bare to see the two being lovey-dovey. Oh, don't misunderstand him he's happy for the two honestly, however,  he just cannot deal with anything that involves romance. He's quite bitter even though he has been single for all his life.

Once they had crossed the street, the trio quickly went into the unusual shop.

 The shop was neat and large. There are aisles for every items from books to gadgets. This shop really was unusual. Although it was newly opened, it only has a few costumers and not to mention only three employees are present.

"Are they short on staff? Or are the others on break?" Anthony suddenly said.

"Same thought, they're probably on break." Dizian replied, he then excused himself from the two and went ahead to the book aisle.

As he found the aisle he saw two costumers taking their time picking books. The sections are in varieties. Each Bookshelves are labeled; Fiction, Adult, Classics, Manga, Manhua, Manhwa and others.

Dizian who is known to be a bookworm even though it does not show, this area was like heaven for him.

How cheap, high quality books and rare books are all here, however they are all in cheap price. If he would use all his pocket money he could buy a whole 30 books.

"Well they're newly open so I guess they lowered the price still." He said to himself as he trace his finger to the books stopping and taking out that would piqued his interest.


How lucky must he be today, to think a full set of volume of a manga he was indulged was there. The set contained 27 volumes, how lovely!

Drooling as he hug the set, someone tapped him in the shoulder. It was Eva, the girl handed him a white phone.

"Oh thanks, I forgot you had my phone— right, anything you want? It's on me." He delightfully said to eva.

Eva raised her brows, she then understood dizian onto why he is on a good mood as he saw a book set in his arms.

"Really? Then an iPad."

"What? Are you f*cking serious—"

"Ah, ah, ah, you said it's on you. No backing out."

Dizian's eye twitched, wanting to take back what he just said but he know he cannot win against this girl. And so he sighed, giving up. His pocket money was already used, but fortunately he brought his credit card with him.

 "Argh— fine, but you better treat me next time." He said as he and Eva started to find the gadget section. "Ah right, where's Anthony?"

"Oh he's on the videogame aisle. He's probably playing since they let costumers try out the games they pick."

"I see."

"We're here!"

The two started to look for an iPad with affordable price.

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