Chapter One: The Game [1]

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Chattering of many can be heard inside a class. Students who are enjoying their lunch time while it last.

"Hey Dizian!" A tan guy shouted, approaching another man that was sitting on the middle chair in the last row.

The man sitting looked up, "What?" He asked irritatedly. He slid down the headphone he was wearing, and placed it around his neck, pausing the music being played on the phone on his hand.

"Man, you're in no good mood— but that's not important."

"Wow, talk about being a good friend, aren't you Anthony?" The man stated sarcastically, "Now what is it this time? If you're asking me to accompany you and Eva on your date then, get lost!"

"Oh come on! You know how awkward it is when it's just us, please~?" Anthony plead, looking at Dizian with puppy eyes.

Dizian eyes twitch as disgust and disbelief is written at his face. How burdensome, to think he again shall act as a third wheel for this bastard.

He sighed and placed his hand on top of the desk resting his chin on his palm, "Dude," He started Looking at Anthony with an irritated expression, "you need to learn how to not rely on me honestly, you two are already dating, me being a third wheel Everytime on your date is such a nuisance. Be a man and just be yourself. If you kept this up, I might even move in with you after you two got married."

"M-married?! How did you get to that conclusion, we're still dating!" Anthony stuttered as he tried to hide his flustered expression.

"And where do dates usually go? Engagement then marriage, doesn't it? You have to keep in mind the responsibility of being in a relationship, and circumstances along the way." Dizian lectured.

"Coming from someone who's still single since born."

"Why you—!"

Dizian was about to throw a Notebook which he took below his desk at anthony, when someone suddenly cough that made them look in front.

The two noticed a woman in front of them who has a short wavy hair, smiling at the sight of the two.

"E-eva, What're you doing here?" Asked Anthony nervously, as he went to Eva's side.

Great here comes the love birds, Dizian rolled his eyes totally uninterested at what the two would talk about in front of him, instead he decided to put his headphones back on when eva suddenly mentioned him in their conversation.

"I thought I'll invite you and dizian along with me in a newly open store across the street market."

"Nah, no thanks. I'll just be your third wheel all over again, just ask you dearest here." Dizian instantly replied, putting his headphones back on.

"I heard they sell novels and Manga too."

Dizian twitch from what he heard, he knows eva purposely said it quite loudly for him to hear. But his urge to come was not strong enough, better luck next time.

Although, He isn't uninterested in the conversation the two was having, dizian purposely lowered the volume down to hear them.

"What really? They also sell figurines and stuff toys? What kind of store is that even?"

"Yeah they do, the store was quite unusual for they sell random things from books to videogames or gadgets. It's like an all in one store, ah they also do Fortune telling and game re—"


The two including everyone in the room and hallway was shock when dizian suddenly, slam his hand on the desk. However, eva smirked for she know that she had Piqued his interest.

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