First Love (Wangxian modern)

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"Dad ! Dad! Tell me about your first love!!"

Wei Ying was working in the kitchen . He stopped when he heard what his 8 years old daughter said. First love? Lan Zhan's first love?

They met in College , at first Lan Zhan was cold towards him then they eventually fall for each other. But Lan Zhan never told him about his first love.

He slowly turned his head to see his husband's reaction. He could clearly see that Lan Zhan's face lit up when he mentioned first love.

"You want to hear about my First love?"

Although Lan Zhan is good at masking his expressions but living with him for years Wei Ying can catch the slight excitement in his husband's voice.

For some reason his heart sank. Lan Zhan is his first love but looks like he is not. He knows Lan Zhan loves him the most but there was a time when it was someone else in his heart.

A tear escaped his eyes despite his strong urge to hold it back. He tried to focus on cooking while listening to others.

"Mmmm..... It was the spring festival when I first met him. " Lan Zhan said.

" How old were you then Daddy?"

" I was 9 years old then. I went to the amusement park with your Huan shushu and Qiren grandpa. It was so crowded that I really wanted to go back home . That's when I first saw him.

An almost 5 year old boy was standing alone in middle of the crowd crying his eyes out . He looked so pitiful that I felt sad for him. Uncle and brother saw him too , so we went to him together to ask what happened to him.

We found out that he can't find his parents. Brother told him not to cry then we took him to the announcement booth to make an announcement for his parents. He was still sobbing, his nose and cheeks were red with crying. He looked so cute. That made me want to protect him from everything. I gave him the candy brother gave me earlier.

Receiving the candy he looked at me and finally gave a smile . It was the brightest smile I ever saw. My little heart couldn't take it anymore.

Later sometime his parents came . They thanked us for looking after their son. I was so upset that I couldn't meet him again. I really wanted to keep him to myself forever but that's not possible. Before he left he gave me a hug. I felt butterflies running in my belly.

That time I didn't know what is love but as the time passed I realized my feelings towards him. After that day, I tried to look for him but couldn't find him. Maybe he was from another city. I only had a picture of him. When he was eating the candy , I sneakily took it but it's not easy to find him with that. "

" Why? "

" Because it's been many years. He must have grown up. He won't look like when he was small right? "

" So you didn't find him... " She was upset.

"That's not really true. I found him . I met him in my college. Just looking at his those shining eyes I knew it was him. But unfortunately he didn't recognize me."

Was that why he always act cold to others? Bcz he couldn't get his first love? Does that mean I was a pushover? That can't be true right? Lan Zhan loves me. I know he does, it's not because of someone else. Or is it?

Wei Ying spent rest of his day thinking about all kind of possibilities that he might be a pushover who helped Lan Zhan move on from his first love.

He couldn't concentrate on his work. His employees were worried about him. Their all time cheerful boss is dead silent. This is really something important.

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