"It's not always handy," I scowled. "Every day leading up to today has been a nightmare, all because we can feel each other all the time. I'd almost like to switch it off for a few hours, you know? It gets to be exhausting."

"Do you want to go for a walk? I know it's not going to help you switch your brain off from your mate, but it might be nice to get out of the grounds for a while."

"Yeah, a walk sounds nice," I replied, pushing myself up off my log and turning to follow Violet away from the pack and towards the forest on the other side of the border. We decided not to go too far, in case something were to actually happen, but it still felt like we were escaping for a bit.

We kept walking through the forest until we reached the edge, where a large, looming cliff separated us from the massive chasm of trees and hills below. It was a long drop, almost enough to make me queasy looking at it. We walked over to the edge and sat, dangling our legs over the side, and admiring the view.

"I've never been around this side of the pack borders," I admitted, gazing out at the snow ridden trees out in the distance. "It's beautiful."

"It is," Violet agreed with a smile. "I have been coming out here ever since I was a young girl; just after Dusk Light became the royal pack, and we moved onto the land. My parents never knew; I would sneak out at night and come sit by the cliff, and stare out in the distance to see if I could spot any new packs moving into our old land."

My eyes widened. "This used to be Dusk Light?" I asked, surprised as I pointed out at the land beneath the cliff. Violet nodded.

"I remember I used to be able to see this cliff face when I was very young from my old home; being able to come out here just makes me feel like I'm back there, or like I've always got a piece of that life with me. Once Dusk Light became the royal pack, everything changed and it took me a long time to get used to it. But I still miss my home."

"Even though I was treated awfully in mine, I guess I miss it a little too," I admitted. "Not the bad things, of course, but I slept in that room every night of my life that I can remember; it was my bed. And the kitchen; that belonged to me. I was in there most of my life, and it was mine. I just miss... well, I don't exactly know."

"A place that is yours alone," Violet suggested, shooting me a glance out the corner of my eye. I shrugged, feeling a small smile drift its way onto my lips.

"Yeah, I guess. I love James and his castle and his rooms, but... they aren't mine. I can't imagine them ever being mine, either. I don't know."

"It's alright. I understand."

I smiled again, content, and we sat there like this, side by side, for a few hours at least, until we thought it time to go back. I could just sense James in the back of my mind, which told me he had started to worry as I was not where I said I was going to be while he was away, so we hauled ourselves up and started to head back.

We got about halfway when I sensed something was off, and instinctively reached up to my neck. And panicked.

"My necklace," I blurted out, and Violet stopped walking, turning around to shoot me a curious look.

"Your necklace?" she repeated. I nodded quickly, grasping at the skin around my neck that was now bare.

"It- it's special to me," I continued hurriedly, taking a few steps back. "It was my mother's. I need to go back. You go on without me; I'll catch up. Tell James I'm fine!"

With that, I turned around and started running back towards the cliffside that we came from. Violet seemed to take my story because she didn't follow me. I made it there quickly, and scanned the ground around where we were sitting, knowing there was no way I would be able to miss it if it were lying on the ground.

"Looking for something?"

I whirled around quickly, opening my mouth to scream, but Anthony was ready and launched forward, clamping his hand over my mouth as he stood awfully close to me, his stormy grey eyes glinting with triumph as he gazed down at me.

"Hush, child," he murmured, his lips brushing against my ear as I tried to pull and push him away. "You will not help yourself by struggling, I can assure you. Now, why don't you start by telling me where you got this pretty little bauble from, hm?" He held his vacant hand out to me, and the Moon Goddess' necklace dropped down from his palm, dangling from its cord in front of my eyes. I flickered them between the gemstone and Anthony's pale, shallow face in confusion, but he merely laughed back at me. "No need to play coy, my dear," he cooed. "I am aware it is infused with magic from the gods. My question is how it came to fall into your hands, and what you intend to do with it."

When I shook my head quickly at him, my face moving between his hand that held firmly over my mouth, he narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Do you even know what it is?" he asked finally, his frown deepening. "Do you realize the power you have been carrying around your neck? Where did you get it from?"

I flinched as he raised his voice, but still didn't try to speak. He didn't know about my magic; how could he not know? But I didn't care. I had a massive advantage. I just needed to get that gemstone off of him, and I would be able to beat him, I knew it. Even if I couldn't retrieve the stone, hopefully I would be able to fluke my way to a victory if it came down to a fight. Either way, I was not letting him win.

"No matter," he sighed, flicking the gemstone back into his palm and tucking it into his shirt pocket. His eyes scanned my own, a hint of amusement in them that put me on edge. "I have other ways to discover your secrets. For now, wish James my best. And tell him to prepare."

My eyes widened as I realized Anthony wasn't actually going to take me with him. He was toying with us. He may not know about my abilities, which meant he hadn't been watching us this whole time, but he managed to get me without even trying. I walked right into his outstretched arms. James was going to be furious.

Anthony removed his hand from my mouth and pushed me gently away from him, a cunning look plastered to his face that told me he knew he had the upper hand here. His black hair fell over his eyes in a menacing manner as he watched me, holding his breath, waiting.

I took another step back. And fell.

I screamed as I hurtled backwards off the side of the cliff and plummeted towards the ground far below, the wind rushing through my ears so loudly I could hardly think. "James!" I screamed as I fell, knowing it wasn't going to save me, but hoping all the same. The only thing I could see in my mind as I felt myself nearing the ground was Anthony, his sly smile and dangerous eyes forever taunting me.

And then I hit the ground, and felt nothing.

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