Chapter 13

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- 4 months later -

Rydel POV

4 months I'm working for this asshole. I could've find Ell! And I have to work in this 'sexy' clothes. (A/N outfit on the top) Now all the boys that come here flirt with me.

Ellington POV

You think I can't have luck now? Well I have! Kelly let the keys fall so I'll escape at night. I look to the ceiling and sigh. I haven't seen the most gorgeous person of my life for 1 year and 3 months! Rydel I'll come back to you.

- that night -

I grab my phone that's already dead since I ended here. I slowly unlock the door and walk downstairs. I see Kelly and immediately hide under the stairs. Luckily she has turned her back to me so she doesn't see me. When she goes to the toilet I quickly run to the door and go outside. Oh my. I'm outside! Wow there changed a lot. Luckily I still know the way here.

Riker POV ( won't be very interesting tho :') )

I miss her. I miss Rydel so much. She's gone to find Ellington! It's his fault that he left!

"I know honey but she just loves him so much, isn't that adorable?" Mom says.

Was I thinking out loud?

"Yes you were" Mom laughs.

Oh god.

"Hm I know mom but I just miss her"

"I know, me too"

Ellington POV (sorry for all the POV changes)

I'm laying on a bench in the park. Great. But soon I fall alseep.

- morning -

I yawn. I actually slept good, on a bench. Ugh all stores are still closed! I look around and see people walking into a store! I get up and walk to all the people. A bookstore. Hmm. I go inside and look around. What the heck am I doing here? Whatever. Hey that girl there looks familiar, I only see her back tho. I tap her shoulder and she turns around. I gasp. "R-Rydel?"

Rydel POV

I feel someone tapping my shoulder. I turn around and see.....Ellington. Am I dreaming? "R-Rydel?" He says. "E-Ell-Ellington?" A tear slowly rolls down my cheeck. Suddenly his lips connect with mine. I shock but kiss back. I hear 'aww' everywhere. But then..



Muahaha evil cliffhanger >:) :')

Hope ya liked it :)

And I can finally see how many words I wrote *fab emoji*

Oh btw that sexy :') Rydel outfit on the top it made by rossomedelly *fab emoji again :')*

Well byee✌

- S

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