Chapter 5: Smells Like Barbecue

Start from the beginning

...Burning shit up!

Or what's close to that, truly, mortal's of this days has become quite creative with their vocabularies, and (Y/n), finds it to be quite fascinating and very annoying for the same time as (Y/n) has been missing quite a lot of fun things during his stay in his home at Kjerag mountain.

Dr. Bella : (Y/n), for the love of God, please stop, your going to burn Rhodes Island to the ground!

Dr. Bella screams in fear as she watched the damage he causes with the flamethrower he acquired and watching him burning parts of Rhodes Island.

Dr. Bella : Oh dear god, wait, a god is holding me hostage and I am praying to god that means....

Dr. Bella looks at (Y/n) who was looking at her with a sinister smile that caused her to turn pale, already having the answer to her question.

(Y/n) : Your prayer is heard and will be ignored.

(Y/n) cackles and continues to play with his newfound toy and all Dr. Bella could do is watch the continued 

Dr. Bella : ...Is this how Rhodes Island will end?

Dr. Bella thought as she soon realized that Rhodes Island will not survive.

...And so is her wallet.

...I mean, someone has to pay for the damages on Rhodes Island, that is if she survives.

---4 Hours Later---

Pramanix let out a tired sigh as she and her fellow operator arrived back to Rhodes Island via transport Helicopter, coming back from a Escort mission that was commissioned by Wei Yenwu and having to deal with a lot of question from Wei Yenwu about a 'God', her God to be exact, how he got such information, well his source is none other than Ch'en.

But to be honest, Pramanix didn't ask everyone to keep it a secret, thus the fault lies to her.

Letting out another tired sigh, Pramanix smiles softly, the tiredness leaving her face  as she looks at the box that rests on her thighs, inside is a strawberry cake, one that she and her God will enjoy, knowing all too well how he enjoys sweets, after all, he has quite the sweet tooth.

Matterhorn : ....Is it just me or does anyone smell smoke?

Matterhorn, who was among the operators that took part of the mission, said, breaking the silence inside the transport and was answered by Hellagur.

Hellagur : I too smell it...

Hellagur trailed off as his nose picked another scent, one that entices his stomach.

Hellagur : ...I smell barbecue.

Pramanix blinks as she stares at the two, before she closes her eyes and sniffs the air, finding the scent of smoke and barbecue is indeed there, before she can say anything, the transport helicopter shook slightly as the sound of the rotor slowly comes to a halt and when the sound stops, the doors slides open, making all the operators to exit the transport helicopter, with Pramanix being the first and was expecting to be greeted by Dr. Amber and Dr. Kal'tsit but what greeted them is something they did not expect, a mix of surprise and horror.

Rhodes Island, their home, is burning, well, parts of it as other parts has smoke in it.

What comes into mind after seeing such state of Rhodes Island, is either they were attacked or a fire spread out, not knowing that it was actually the latter.

Texas : ...What happened here?

Texas said as she looked around and saw Dr. Kal'tsit along with Silence, both looking pissed as they glared at (Y/n) and Ifrit, both having lumps on their heads and were grumbling, on the other side, Dr. Amber, along with Amiya and Emperor were grilling some meat from the fire, with Amiya passing the cooked meat to the other operators.

Pramanix wonders why is her God, (Y/n), was kneeling on the ground with a lump on his head and was being berated by Kal'tsit but it didn't took her long to realize why, after looking at (Y/n), Ifrit and the fires in Rhodes Island, Pramanix put two and two together and knew what happened and couldn't help but look dead inside.

Pramanix : ....They didn't follow the manual I gave them.

A/n : I am back, again, for a million time and being able to update one of my books, which has been idle for a very long time, again, apologies as I have been having a writers block, well I don't know if it is writers block as ideas do come in my mind but when I begin to write, I forget the idea.

A/n 2 : Well, here is the update, hope you can all wait again as I am doing my best to write the chapters through a slow pace...

The Saintess and the God (God! Male Reader X Pramanix X Harem)Where stories live. Discover now