letters for the guys

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notes: strongest when doing high tricks
best on the second test
Practice doing tricks high in the air before the board will hit to keep the movement
Best at the tricks
move in sync with your board by counting your steps until it feels right than you'll know when your not going to hit
try and nail a hard trick then the others won't seem as hard
before skating the beam practice walking running jumping and when you stop falling off thens the time to start with the board
move quick on your feet to keep the board in movement
balance on the skateboard, it will get eaiser eventually
double shot is tricky but you're great at the quick turns and keeping a balance i think you'll do great
practice doing your quick and tight turns on a half pike and make sure your placement is right
it's a tough one but we believe you can to it, be quick in your head and one your feet
You can use anywheres in the park to make the trick cool, you have great balance and a good jump use it to your advantage
scan the area before you start wheres the bumpy spots and wheres the clean spots
look up and out to your finish mark, use your skills and speed
get a good jump start
you have skills show them off
don't misstep
make sure you get a good start, practice your run offs and runn offs onto the board
pick a quick trick to do in mid air, practice on your feet first
make sure you finish the trick at the perfect time, don't make it too simple but also not to hard
not too bad, need to work on control, especially with the board
count your seconds until the board will flip right to you
keep your feet in sync with the board
great routine, maybe something big at the end to get to get you that extra point at competition
one of the best i've seen so far, set a speed comfortable to you
use your skills

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