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Next summer vacation:

neither tomika or freddy got with another guy or girl all year it was like cheating even though they weren't together

(ps they live next door to each other, tomikas brothers aren't going to be home for the whole summer)

(m-mason, l-liam, w-will, j-jake, c-cole, a-adien)

M:tomika, get your skateboard it's time to practice
T:why can't you go by yourselves
L:i think we all know what will happen here if we don't take you
T:ok this time i promise not to do anything to your stuff
A:grab her
M:you don't come willingly we're going to drag you
T:ok just left me get my board
*they walked down the street to the skatepark*
T:skate for a couple hours after i'm ditching you
L:so mika you got friends here
T:yeah a few i don't know if they're back yet
M:now who here doesn't like you, those are the people we really want to be friends with oh or the ex boyfriends
T:ha. ha. i'm not giving you any names
C:no worries we'll have them by the end of the summer
T:go visit your families already
M:were leaving in the morning but it's ok we'll be back in august and we'll be coming back bestfriends with all your ex's
T:that's what you think, but i only get along with 1 of them
C:were getting hints here write them down
T:heres another hint i'm running away, see ya losers
*she ran around the corner watching as they ran by looking for her than headed for mr finns house where the band was sitting outside, she waved but skated past them*
MF:that was tomika right
L:i want to say yes
F:maybe i mean she is in town for the summer
S:no way, tomika would never dress like that
Z:she also told us she liked her short hair better and planned to keep it that way
?:you're talking about tomika young right
S:yeah she used to be our friend before she ditched us
F:she's still our friend
?:she was my best friend before she moved away
F:you knew tomika
?:yeah, most tom boyish girl i know, i was talking to her for most of the school year
S:why didn't we know that
?:sorry didn't know i have to tell you everyone i talk to, do you think that's her
S:wait until she leaves than facetime her
?:that's actually not a bad plan
*they looked back to the corner where she was cornered by the guys without their skateboards until she kicked them and skated away around a hidden corner escaping the boys so everyone called her but only north was in the camera*
*she picked up after a few rings*
N:hey tomika, having a good break so far
T:Yeah amazing i was just kidnapped by idiots
boys:hi north/hey
N:so you guys in austin this summer
*she looked closely at the background before hanging up, north tried calling back but the calls were immediantly declined*
N:she won't answer
S:what did we do
F:it's what you forgot to do, shes been around mr finns house a million times she doesn't need a address to know what it looks like
Z:who were all the guys
N:her friends
S:all guys really...such a slut
S:ok i'll stop
*tomika couldn't stop grinning and laughing*
m:what did you do
T:how dare you think i would do anything
T:you should go look at the stuff in your suitcases
C:you better not have ruined our stuff
T:it's ok i dumped all your crap out before
*they all ran upsatirs into the bedrooms leaving her lone to escape*
*she ran out with her board shortly followed by the guys and their boards*
*tomika skated and ran up to the band*
T:hey guys
Z:wait aren't you supposed to be like hours outside of town
T:yes, i was never here you're all imagining this
F:what did you do
T:a bad thing, there they are i was here the whole time
*they talked for a minute half of them left the other half walked up to her*
W:we're going to kill you
T:do i know you
T:aww right, mr. hewit,jenkins, and dones
N:what did she do
M:she made us a ocean in our suitcases soggy rice,water, and goldfish
T:that was my evil twin
Li:you used that one last week
T:my clone
Li:that too, and hologram,ghost,somebody stole your face,imagination, everyone was seeing things, hallucinations, your russian colleagues
M:we lost track after that
N:how much trouble do you get into
W:that was all within just 3 weeks
T:yes i have earned quite the reputation at school
S:you guys take a seat, we need more tomika blackmail
T:goodluck with that, i'm out
F:nope you're staying here, mr finn has to tell you something first
*he pulled her back beside him so she was laying against him*
MF:oh yeah, i'm getting married in 2 weeks
T:you...getting married...to a girl
F:yep and were forcing you to come
T:i would love to come to a very long ceremony but see i have to catch that evil face stealing clone of mine
F:you're coming
T:says who
T:oh my god, fine i'll be there
S:great now give me some blackmail
L:she doesn't let us get blackmail but we still have many stories
S:ok i'll see you guys later, than
*summer left with zack and north*
T:you want to be friends with people who don't like me talk to her, than leave
MF:tomika be nice
T:they're used to it by now
L:so are you guys excited for this bet to be over
T:ok which one of you told him, i only told you two
F:don't look at me, i didn't give anyone the details of that night
*they both smirked*
M:so what happened that night
T:none of your business,
M:ok but we will find out eventually
T:you have fun doing that, now are you kidding me mr. finn, you're the adult here
MF:sorry i just love drama
T:seriously, who else did you tell
MF:jessica, and acdc, although that may have been a dream
F:ok 1 jessicas his fiance and 2 it was 100% a dream
T:ok i'm ditching everyone again
MF:ok see you later
F:i'm coming with you
W:we'll be right behind you soon
*freddy and tomika both got their boards and started walking*
M:did they date or something
L:we think something happened but if it did they were way too good at hiding it
MF:honestly when they were 15 maybe 16 a bunch of kids in our class made a bet whether they liked each other or not
W:we better catch up before she runs off again
*they skated down passing by*

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