Chapter 12~ The Prospect of Love

Start from the beginning

"It was one time!" Aaron retorted.

"Yeah, one time I'll never forget. Goodnight." I got out of my seat and headed up to my room. Despite the excitement of the day, I was able to quickly fall asleep.

Orange and red leaves danced through the air, but they soon performed a dying sashay as they touched the ground. October 10th was the perfect day for a funeral, but that's clearly just me...

"I can't believe your brother is getting married!" F/n remarked. "He's a year older than me, but I can't imagine getting married right now... It would be nice, though, one day. A gorgeous bride, my parents giving me away as they cry cause they aren't getting bad for realizing I was lesbian and ALSO not a fan of kids. Anyways, being in love is definitely what I'm looking forward to the most. Wedding gifts would be pretty cool, too. I think I'd just ask for checks instead of appliances or jewelry."

I sighed, staring out the car window. I was happy for my brother, but the idea of love made me feel bitter. Does it actually ever work out? I stole a glance at my phone; it was almost 4:30 PM. The ceremony started at 5, and as I was without a car, F/n offered to drive me. She was my plus one, anyway.

"Sis, you better let out all your dejection right now, cause we're at the hall," F/n said. "You look great, you're a strong independent woman, you can legally drink as of this past July, and...oh no your ex-parents are pulling in next to us."

I slid down into my seat. "You're kidding."

"I accidentally made eye contact with the kid."

"She's like 5 or 6, as long as M/n (mom's name) and D/n (dad's name) didn't notice."

"Oh, they noticed. I gotta leave the car or else I'm gonna look like a weirdo." F/n swiftly left the car and greeted B/n's parents. 

Okay, calm down. It's been a few years. It'll be normal, like...speaking to a stranger. That's what they are to me, pretty much! I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. F/n gave me a friendly smile and linked her arm with mine. 

"Hi." I never knew what to call them anymore. I couldn't say 'ex-parents' in front of a 5 year old, plus, that'd sound really weird. Mr. and Mrs. L/n also seemed odd, cause that was my last name for most of my life.

It stayed at a simple 'hi' and 'hello' between us, and we silently walked into B/n and G/n's (girl's name) hall. M/n went straight to the decorators, bombarding them with instructions and questions. D/n took a seat on the right side at the table closest to the altar, with his daughter seated next to him.

"So, what does B/n want from you again?" F/n asked.

"Check up on his bride," I explained. "She and I are pretty close. I kinda gave my entire life story to her when we first met."

With that being said, F/n and I headed to the bridal room. After a bit of wandering, we found the room, and I knocked on the door.

"Come in," G/n called.

We entered the room, and G/n was sitting in her dress, getting her hair curled by who I assumed was her hair and makeup stylist. I was sputtering to come up with a greeting. G/n was stunning...I'm kinda jealous of my brother. He almost lost her the day he introduced her to his parents and I, but he managed to patch things up. Lucky him...

"You look beautiful!" F/n squeaked. "Oh my Irene, your dress is to die for! Right, Y/n?"

I nodded furiously. "So beautiful that B/n might forget his vows..."

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