𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠! | 𝟒𝟎

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, swarms of titans headed towards us from the forest entrance, 'They must've been coming from where Eren and Ymir were being held', I noticed as I continued to gallop on my horse.

We swerved around the titans heading towards us as we tried to enter the forest, behind me I could see them gobbling up our soldiers one by one.

'Don't look back, I commented, facing forward after turning my head back.

'Locate, recover and retreat!', Erwin ordered of us.

Reaching an entrance into the forest, we began to dismantle from our horses and start our surge through the masses of woodland.

'Round up the horses!', Hannes shouted as Mikasa, Armin and I zipped up into the trees, trying to locate Eren.

'First thing we do is pinpoint the enemy and tell the others. They're fleeing through the woods so stay sharp!', Hannes alerted us all, before a titan scream made all of our heads turn.

'That's the scream of a titan!', A cadet in front of us, hanging on the branches shouted.

'Could it be Eren?', another questioned.

'No. That's not him', I shook my head confidently, 'His screams don't sound like that'.

'They're just up ahead let's keep moving!', Hannes pushed in agreement.

'I can see you!', I watched a cadet draw his swords at his new site before I quickly realised who it was.

'YMIR!', I shouted out.

'No wait a second!', Connie shouted aloud, 'It's Ymir! This is her titan form, she's one of the people they took!'.

Swiftly, we all gathered around her titan form, dangling from the trees as we awaited answers.

'What the hell happened? Where is everybody else?', Connie asked concerned as our worries grew.

Where is Eren? I thought to myself, frantically looking around each individual leaf, with no sight of him.

'Is Eren okay?', Connie once again asked, 'What about Bertholdt and Reiner?', but yet there seemed to be no reply out of her.

Not even movement.

'Ymir!', Jean shouted, 'What's the deal! Did you manage to assume titan form and get away from them? What direction did they go?'.

'Give us something to go on! Anything!', Sasha begged.

'Say something already! Come on ugly we're kinda in a rush!', Connie immediately flew up to her head, beginning to kick it in frustration.

'Something isn't right', I mentioned looking around, 'It doesn't feel right'.

'Is she keeping an eye out for Reiner?', Armin wondered, 'Why is she looking at us one by one?'.

'YMIR!', Historia's calls came out from the trees as she made her way to our group, 'There you are! Thank goodness you're alright!'.

She flew directly towards her, expecting some sort of reunion before in front of all of our eyes she was eaten by Ymir's titan form, taken right into her mouth.

'What the', I gasped, my eyes widening as Ymir suddenly started zooming off again, leaving us all behind.

'Did she just', Connie hesitated with wide eyes, I looked to him.

'That's it', I paused, 'She was looking for Historia!'.

'Don't just stand there! Move your arses!', Jean commanded we chase after them, in which he was right.

'Let's go', I motioned in front of Armin and Mikasa, beginning the chase.

We glided through the trees, the noise of our release on our ODM gear filtering through my ears.

We paced through the forest.

'She's fast', Jean commented as we watched Ymir grip onto on tree and then the next, 'We're losing her!'.

'Why would she do that?', Mikasa questioned.

'What's wrong with you people? Am I seriously the only one who saw this coming?!', Jean bellowed in slight frustration.

'Well it's clear where her loyalties are now', Armin spoke out, 'She and Reiner are on the same side, we were lured into a trap!'.

My speed increased, as did hers, we all tried to keep up with Ymir although every swing she took with her gangly titan limbs pushed her just that little bit further forward.

Flashing lights emerged in front of us all, the ones you'd think we'd be used to by now. It wasn't a good sign.

'Oh no', Mikasa worried.

'Reiner's transformed', I observed, squinting my eyes ever so tightly to get a better look.

'Eren', I breathed out, my heart almost sinking as I saw his body, all tied up.

Immediately, I felt a rush of heat flow through my body. Anger, assertion, whatever you want to call it.

I just want him.

'No! They're getting away with Eren!', Armin yelled out loud.

Without hesitation I whistled, hoping the sound of my voice would attract Luna in the depths of the tall trees.

And sure enough, it did.

'I see you girl!', I shouted below me after scanning the ground, already racing down to get on her back and chase after them.

'What are the rest of you doing! Move it! Get on your damn horses and follow F/N!', Hannes ordered to everyone else above me, his voice fading the closer I got to earth again.

'This isn't over yet, you hear me!', I heard Hannes' stern sound as the formation caught up to me, 'I'll get him back if it costs me my life'.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐑 - 𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍.𝐉Where stories live. Discover now