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Everything spins like a weaving wheel. A month drafted and here comes yadu family. Poor Lakshman Kumara, he dreamt about his to be but everything went down to earth for him. On a serious note, he isn't wrong. I should apologize him when the time permits. Cāru jyesthā explains me each and every detail in Dvāraka.

My god, she repeats the lines the similar accent. The scenes were quite epic when a mighty warrior was struggling in the long saree. Kr̥ṣṇa settles on the couch--cupping his cheeks whereas Ghatotkacha was stumbling in saree.

"Pitr̥vya, I am saying. I am gonna jump off the cliff." He crumbles the saree. He sighs heavily " you can offer me a hand to help rather than sitting ideal." He cries.

Pitr̥vya oscillates his index finger "Nah, nah! That's not my department."

He huffs and puffs. A knock on the door squeezes their attention. He wraps his saree in some way and settles beside pitr̥vya. It was a maid, there.

"The prince of Hastināpura is wishing for your presence kūmari."

Bhrāta Ghatotkacha nods " Okay, you may leave."

"Aiyo! What will I say to that innocent creature?" He leans his forehead against the shoulders of pitr̥vya.

His words tickles the suppressed chuckles of Kr̥ṣṇa. Kr̥ṣṇa passes an ahem and resumes.

"See, behave like Sashirekha" He suggests. To be precise, it's a tune of sarcasm

"You are underestimating me, pitr̥vya!" He says with pride. Kr̥ṣṇa baba facepalms "It means blush when Lakshman Kumara touches you don't hop. Garden!" He bursts out laughing.

Bhratha Ghatotkacha looks at him and a cracky sound escapes his mouth.

"Oh lord Narayana, forgive me for playing with an innocent prince." He takes the name of lord before proceeding with his impending work.

Pitr̥vya rolls his eyes at the insight.

"Oh, the might warrior. He isn't that innocent also. Show your acting skills there." He vaguely pushes his back head forward.

Bhratha Ghatotkacha, as said by Kr̥ṣṇa, he starts plagiarizing my mother's style of walk as well. Including the confidence level, so. He reaches to the garden arena where Lakshman Kumara was pacing to and fro with his thumbs waging a war against each other. He pulls his one ankle out from the shed of the saree and moves it a bit. As the squirms of the anklet brush past each other, they vibrate--producing a jiggling sound. He directs his towards Maya Sashirekha and encarves a tiny smile. Gosh, do we did mistaken by this act with this prince? He doesn't looks one among the spoilt and arrogant princes.

"Praṇipāt! Rajakūmari." He decorates a huge beam of grin on his face.

He reciprocates the smile and glues his palms together.

"Pranam, kūmara"

Awkward silence prevails between them. "So, you are Lakshman kumar?"

He initiates the conversation but if it had been me, then I would spent hours composing my silence rather than taking the initiative.

"Yes. I am Lakshman kumara. The prince of Hastināpura." The formal introduction happens.

Lakshman Kumara tries to build a conversation in order to study his to be wife's nature but he ends up praising!

"You look beautiful." He says openly.

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