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Pathetic was mine and Bhārgavi's situation, just then jyesthā had captivated everyone's attention in the shackles of her voice, being the cynosure of our family at the particular instant.

"So, my dear family members! Why don't we do something unique?" Jyesthā Cārumati sounded quite distinctive.

The matter needed her explanation to be clear and crisp. She sculpted a fervent beam of smile on her face as she penetrated deep into the authentic topic.

"Śrī Rāmānavami is jumping towards us as the days are slithering. Why don't we make it memorable? We are left with a time span of fifteen days!" She alterted the senses of the elders who erased the upcoming festival devoid of a trace in their minds by her words.

Concern was evident in the ocular perceivers of the adults who were alarmed regarding the adorning stuff and other resources for the venerations to be done. Not even a rat size of arrangements were enforced.

"Firstly, we should make up our time in order to make it memorable." Pitr̥vya Rukmiṇi's words owned the perfect combination of anxiety and delight. I heard bhrāta Niśāntha raising his voice "But wait! We arrange a skit on Rāmāyan every year. Then, what about it would be a kids played one? There's no draught of kids in the palace. Isn't it?"

How do these rare and unusual ideas pop up in my brother's brain?! I prayed internally that I don't get Abhimanyu as my partner if I play Sita or Urmila!. Wait, first the adults should approve.

"Niśu, indeed it's a great idea!" Pitr̥vya Kr̥ṣṇa appreciated my brother. "What about casting?" Pitā apprised a question.

Well! When members of the court demand to pass the bill what can higher authority do? Pitāmahi and pitāmahā were also with the innovative idea.

"Kids one is a way unique bhrāta, but what if pitā shall be Rāmā and Seeta shall be played by māṭa? For Lakshman and Urmila, don't we have Pitr̥vya and Pitr̥vyā, respectively?" I spoke with sheer excitement!

My idea wasn't a bad one! I wished to see my younger father's threatical skills on the stage. But wait, who shall play Bharat and Shatrugan? I hope none doesn't notice it.

"Who will take the roles of Bharat and Shatrugan?" Abhimanyu spoke my question.

"Our Vatsu and Abhi are perfect for Rāmā and Sita! For Śatrugan, Bhānu is shorter in height. So, he well suits for him." Suthanu spoke with a tint of excitement while pointing at each one.

Today, I curse myself to drag her from Shivi to Dvāraka. She further elected the worthy members who could justify their roles. Bhrāta Sambh as Bharat, for Sunainā, Cāru Jyesthă. Bhrāta Niśu as Janak and for Ūrmiḷa and Lakṣmaṇa, it's Bhārgavi and bhrāta Cārudēha respectively. Śantha is played by herself. Bhrāta Ulmukh would be playing the role of king Daśarath and his queens' character are played by daughters of pitā's cousin Gada namely, Vaidehi, Vinuta and Jamunā. I still don't acknowledge the specific word which is used for referring one's father's cousin. He once offered me to address him as Pitr̥vya but nope, that tag only belongs to my Pitr̥vya Kr̥ṣṇa. He's an unique piece.

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