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Years flew within a flap of my eye. Our friendship weaved into a bond of love. Who can expect that the people whose enmity is similar to the serpents and birds would love each other. It was me who realised my feelings before him yet kept mum, waiting for him to confess. Years flew, making me and him 20 and 22 respectively.

Where's this Abhi? I don't get to find him when he's needed! Here he's in the practice area! Probably, talking with someone. Kūmari, Vinuta! Why is he smiling like a maniac?

"Kūmari, your smile beautifies you more. May I know the reason for the curve garnishing your lips."

I blink my eyes at his words. My teeth get brush past by each other while I clench my fist.

Beautifies? Oh, fine! He didn't say this stuff to me? Being a cupid? He even extends a rose to her.

"Here, rose suits for you."

She appraises "The son of Subhadra conveyed the same to my cousin Mitravati, so."

Son of Subhadra? Means Saubhadrey? Wait, he is flirting with my sisters too? Till date, only I addressed him as 'the son of Subhadra.'

"I appreciated her polite and gentle personality with that honey coated smile. Anyways, you are far better."

You both just stop there. I clear my throat.

"Kūmari Vinuta! Bhrātha Satyadrithi is awaiting for you." I hamper between their conversation.

She thinks for a while " But why?"

What but why? Can't she just go there? "Pardon, but I don't comprise the reason."

She nods and exists and he winks at her so before leaving! I drag him from there by his wrist to the backside of the garden. That's a rarely visited place by anyone so there would be no hurdle in our talks otherwise everyone's eyes are casted upon him! Why not? The only son of maternal aunt right.

"What were you just doing?" I ask him curtly.

He passes me questioning look. "Praising her!"

He says without a slight reflection of same! "Oho! You didn't appreciate me anytime so and you forget me!" I spat out.

"Why are you burning if I talk to her, Śaśi?"

Now it's limit! He knows the reason! I will! Ah---let him go to hell.

"Oh, even praise me, then."

He arches his eyebrows "I see you everyday, what can I praise?" He laughs at me.

A direct insult for me! A tight slap on my face!

I push myself from there. He didn't even lend me a single flower till date! Who's his best friend? Me or her? Who's his first ever friend? Me or her? Whenever he used to remember Pārtha, who used to console him? Me or her?

Cāndrēya Sahadharmiṇī~ Prēma Dharma{ ✔️}Where stories live. Discover now