Chapter Two

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Lehana walked through the crowded market despite the afternoon heat, absently looking over wares. Prince Ariki couldn't want Mikaere dead. Not personally, he had to be after something else. The thought gave her some relief. Maybe the prince would turn his attention elsewhere. One general, however popular, couldn't be worth losing an important ally? If he persisted she would kill whoever he sent.

"Simple" Lehana thought, stopping before a vendor selling gummy fruit. They were Mikaere's favorite but she hadn't seen him eat any since his last trip overseas. After some wheedling he'd convinced her to try one, laughing when she made a face; the treats were coated in sugar. It was the first time she heard him genuinely laugh. And while he was away she realized her feelings had changed. Lehana looked up and met Ngome's gaze. She felt embarrassed, as if he could see how far her mind had wandered. His face remained impassive though and she couldn't gauge his emotions. She moved to approach him but someone bumped into her as they passed. She started to mumble an apology until she noticed the malicious smile on one of the girls. Her hair was held in a bun, expensive gems strewn throughout, and she wore a light blue dress that flowed over ample hips.

Marika, the king's favorite niece said, just loud enough for Lehana to hear, "She's the wife of Mikaere Elisara. It's a shame, such an attractive man deserves someone who would...fully appreciate him." She picked up a golden necklace with inlaid rubies and a jade pendant.

Lehana felt as if she'd been punched. She was only vaguely aware of Ngome leading her away. She started to speak but he silenced her with a soft touch.

"If he cares for her word, he's a fool."

She was too shocked at his attempt to comfort her to do anything but nod dumbly. Her confusion was soon replaced by anger and he gave her distance, a grin fighting to replace his blank stare. As they neared the tavern they saw Sarh exit. Nothing noteworthy until a man followed him a moment later. He was lean and tall like a boy who just reached adulthood, but he had enough muscle to be a threat. He also had a sword tied to his hip with an official insignia on it. Lehana glanced at Ngome.

He grunted. "Love is inconvenient." But he followed her nonetheless.


Sarh threw a few coins on the bar as he left the tavern. He didn't notice a small figure break from the crowd and follow him. He enjoyed the silence. Any other day he wouldn't have seen Lehana slink through the halls and into Lady Ahurewa's room. Her face was set, intention for something written in every line of her body. Sarh stayed away from the inner workings of the court, but Mikaere wouldn't be spared her punishment. Did she deserve it? Ahurewa was near death and expected to pass soon. Any of the nobility could've seen this as a chance to increase wealth. But a sickening feeling made him follow her instead of meeting with the other commanders. He couldn't go into the room; on the chance she was really invited. Now he wondered if he made a mistake. The reports of attacks on coastal cities in the west didn't weigh as heavily on him. Those cities were under the control of Governor Kauri, it was his responsibility. He was nearing his house, a street away from the castle, when he heard the whisper of a sword being unsheathed. He stumbled as a hard kick from behind knocked him down an alley. By the time he drew his own sword and spun around his attacker knocked it aside, landing a hard punch to his ribs. Gritting his teeth against the pain, he moved to counter but a blade pressed lightly against his throat.

"Where is General Elisara?"

He pursed his lips. He tried to get a glimpse of his attacker. His reward was a blow that left his ears ringing. But it told him the man was at least his height.

"You know where he is, tell me."

There were loud footsteps behind them that drew his attention.

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