Rough Draft (potential prologue or chapter one beginning)

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Lehana slipped quietly into the anteroom, taking the young maid by surprise. She almost snapped at her, but realized who she was and dropped into a deep curtsy.

Lehana gave a quick smile. “I’ll handle this. I wish to pay my respect.”

The maid hesitated but nodded before handing the tray over. If she’d been one of the noble born women volunteering for a menial task would’ve seemed suspicious. But it was only a paltry meal of weak, glorified broth the cook called soup. She could balance it with one hand while edging the door open with the other.

“Omolara, is that you? What took you so long?” The question held a hint of irritation but the voice was too quiet.

She didn’t respond. Servants were rarely required to. Moving to Lady Nkiruka’s bedside she was almost sorry to see her in this state. Her already light brown skin was pale and golden brown hair lay plastered to her skin, covered by a sheen of sweat. They weren’t far apart in age but the past few weeks had aged her prematurely. Rumors said the illness would take her after a few months. Lehana didn’t have the time to wait. Her most trusted spy intercepted a letter in Nkiruka’s handwriting that made her anger flare. She thought she could have Mikaere assassinated. A year ago her plan may have succeeded. But today, Lehana loved her husband. She almost snorted as she looked at the ill woman, whose sharp eyes may have seen what she was capable of; if they hadn’t been clouded over in pain. She took the small packet of venom out of her sleeve and mixed it into the soup. Feeding it to Nkiruka, she waited until the first convulsion shot through her before speaking.

“You have only a few moments.”

Nkiruka tried to focus on her but couldn’t.

“Send a letter to him, a warning. Before you,” she grimaced as she stood. “Make a mess of the bed.” Nkiruka cried out but she ignored it as she casually strode to her writing desk. Taking a sheet she whispered a spell over it that would put Nkiruka’s words on paper. As she dropped it next to her Lehana said, “Do not tell him to flee. We know who he is.” Sitting back down, she waited until her order was followed. And she was sure Nkiruka was dead.


This currently has no real plot so I'll welcome any suggestions and/or feedback! (^o^)

Among Queens & KingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora