Chapter 81 - Strange Favorabilityv

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Cen Yi and Fu Yan walked to a corner and whispered about what happened after the two separated.

Cen Yi's experience is still more exciting, Fu Yan was surprised to hear it: "You mean, someone came to rescue you in the end?"

"It should be." Cen Yi said, "If he hadn't blocked my sight, I couldn't have returned. That bunny's eyes are really evil, and they can't be moved when they meet them. It's really hard to guard against. That person finally pushed me out of 0414, so I couldn't move."

Fu Yan asked, "Who is that person?"

"It's hard to say. I wanted to ask twice, but I was interrupted before I finished speaking." Cen Yi paused and said, "However, I have guesses."

Fu Yan's eyes fell on the military talisman on his chest, very He almost guessed his thoughts: "...Qi Yingfei?"

"Well, I just guessed that." Cen Yi hesitated for a while, and asked in a low voice, "Well, can you help me ask that..."

Cen Yi He didn't finish speaking, but Fu Yan understood what he was thinking: "You want to ask him? But he wasn't there at the time. I'm not sure if he knew who came to rescue you.

" After that, I have no regrets." Cen Yi smiled, "But I don't really dare to believe this conjecture. It's unheard of for a boss from another horror game world to come to this world."

Fu Yan originally thought it was impossible . . But thinking about his guess about Fan Xiangyi's "essential identity", and thinking about the Wanshun banner in Qi Yingfei's hand, if Qi Yingfei is strong enough... It seems that he can temporarily go to another world, it is not unreasonable.

"Okay. I'll ask you when the time comes." Fu Yan nodded in agreement and said, "How is the progress of the task?"

"I met Liao Meiyan." Cen Yi told Fu Yan about Liao Meiyan's situation and the conversation between the nurse and the nurse, and then analyzed, "I suspect that Liao Meiyan's 'day' has arrived. Xue Zhongli is the hospital The organ donation coordinator of yours came back just in time to look for her family members. She must have received a message saying that it was Liao Meiyan's turn. He asked you about the note, and in all likelihood, he also communicated with the dean. I know that the dean gave the news, but he didn't receive it, so I suspect that you have seen him take the note."

Speaking of this, Cen Yi's expression became more serious: "Since Xue Zhongli has found you, he will not sit back and watch, be careful. Now, I will move faster."

"What are you going to do?" Fu Yan said, "You have been targeted by Nuonuo, so you must move quickly."

"If you didn't come, I would have started with Xue Zhongli. , anyway, let's fight. Nuo Nuo had already seen through my intention at that time, and directed Xue Zhongli to deal with me," Cen Yi said, "Oh, by the way, I haven't told you before, right? I wanted to see Xue Zhongli's confrontation with Nuo. Nuo didn't do anything, remembered that you said her ward during the day was 0414, so I went.

"As a result, Nuo Nuo was about to clean up me at a glance, and it happened that Xue Zhongli came, so she ordered Xue Zhongli to deal with me. By the way, Xue Zhongli also stuffed her with a candy. I felt something was wrong and told her not to eat it, and Xue Zhongli directly picked her head up and confronted me. But Nuonuo didn't want to eat it herself, so Xue Zhongli forcibly stuffed it for her. "Cen Yi said this, paused, and guessed, "Now that I think about it, I feel that Nuonuo is making us fight each other, and she doesn't like it anyway.

Hearing what he said, Fu Yan narrowed his eyes: "No wonder..." "

What's no wonder?" "

"Nothing. "

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