Chapter 54 - The Price of Blood

Start from the beginning

Qi Yingfei said that as long as the Flying Eagle Flag was still flying, the Flying Eagle Army would concentrate on the flag and advance and retreat together. Qi Yingfei also asked: "If His Highness also goes to the front line, might he collect the bones and corpses for those who died in battle?" Cen Yi remembered that

he answered: "Three hundred and one people, I will order them and return them."

Open book exam!

Chen Yi realized. He remembered that according to the records he had read before, Qi Yingfei's body was transported back to the capital and buried in a grand burial. But the soldiers he brought, the Eagle Army that he personally named and trained, did not know how many were left on the battlefield forever.

——This time, we must take them all away! This must be his wish!

Cen Yi thought about it, and planned to quickly explain to Fu Yan, "That flying eagle flag is..." Before he finished speaking, the flying eagle flag

that was standing high suddenly fell down slowly.

"Crap!" Cen Yi didn't have time to explain, so he had to quickly say, "The flag can't be down! Just stand up!"

He turned the horse's head as he spoke, kicked the horse's belly, and ran towards the direction where the flagpole fell. Fu Yan had no choice but to turn his head to look at Fan Xiangyi.

Fan Xiangyi: "...I'm really fucking looking for trouble for myself!"

After he finished cursing, he rode his horse to keep up with Cen Yi. Cen Yi's combat skills are also better than Fu Yan's, and it's not enough to see on the battlefield, not to mention that the closer you get to Qi Yingfei, the more enemies, and Cen Yi's entry is like sending people's heads. Fu Yan wondered how he could help him, but Fan Xiangyi pressed his head as soon as he turned his head.

"Just be honest with me!" Fan Xiangyi said, and personally cut off a Northern Xinjiang man who had attacked Cen Yi, "Don't ask for trouble!"

Fu Yan happened to be so painful that he didn't want to move, so he huddled there and didn't make a sound. .

So, under the guidance of Fan Xiangyi, Cen Yi finally stumbled and passed through a layer of melee that was denser than one layer. The closer to the flag, the thicker the black smoke. When they finally got close to the flag, the visibility in the black smoke was already less than ten meters.

It was only after entering the infiltrating core area that Cen Yi saw Qi Yingfei's current state.

He was almost out of human form.

I say almost, because at first glance it can be seen that it is a man, riding a horse. But that person, that horse, can no longer see the specific appearance.

They are made of black smoke, two or three times taller than the others around them, and they leave behind wafting smoke wherever they pass. Obviously such an image, the surrounding enemies and comrades are not surprised at all, they still come and go around him. Some people desperately want to kill him, and some people desperately want to protect him.

Cen Yi knew that he was Qi Yingfei.

And those around, even if they are human faces, are not necessarily human characters.

Qi Yingfei, who was resentful in the city of Black Smoke, was still brave and good at fighting, and the surrounding enemies rushed towards him, wanting to devour him. His horse was neighing, and his sword was thumping. Every second he looked at him, Cen Yi felt more and more irritable in his heart.

Fu Yan saw the flag on the ground, and it was at this time that he clearly saw the pattern on it - an eagle.

Fu Yan also saw black smoke billowing from the flag that had been trampled on repeatedly. The black smoke floated up and gathered at Qi Yingfei, making this Specter grow taller and taller. Fu Yan subconsciously felt that it would only be worse if it went on like this, so he reminded loudly, "The flag is there!"

Cen Yi also saw the flag. He almost got off his horse, stumbled towards the flag, and was almost crushed by the enemy's warhorse. I don't know if it was a coincidence or some other reason, the black smoke was flowing in this strange place, and the people from the northern border just didn't hurt Cen Yi, who was running around on his legs.

Cen Yi finally grabbed the flagpole.

He erected the flag abruptly, and as the flag flew again, Cen Yi shouted: "Flying Eagle Army, come here!!!"

At this moment, the Flying Eagle Flag instantly turned into black smoke, and it stretched like a dark cloud. Expand.

Brahma narrowed his pupils.

"Wanhun Banner?!?!?!"

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